January 1, 2020 changes to private guns sales in Illinois

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Be sure to pass that along to all the criminals, drug dealers, gang banger, ect.

They have the same stupid crap here in NM and no ones enforcing it. The sheriff here watched private firearms sales happen between individuals at the last gun show and did exactly what he should have. Nothing.

I do see people in gun shows that I wouldn't sell a gun to. A big giveaway to me is if they tattoo's on their face and/or neck. Those folks are in there to take advantage of the loophole that the left keeps calling the gunshow loophole. They NEVER explain that every dealer in there has to run a NICS check and that it is those there at the show to trade in and get another that this happens with.
People with face tattoos don't go to gun shows here.
They tend to stay away due to the law enforcement presence.
I think it's mandatory that all the cops on shift stop by the gun show at least once.
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