"Kent County Sheriff won't enforce possible gun ban"

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Feb 14, 2012
Quite a few sheriffs, all around the country, believe that what's being proposed is unconstitutional and are saying that via their oath of office, they cannot enforce an unconstitutional law.
Art Eatman said:
Quite a few sheriffs, all around the country, believe that what's being proposed is unconstitutional and are saying that via their oath of office, they cannot enforce an unconstitutional law.

Yet the assertion often seen on this subforum is that it is for the SCOTUS alone to determine the constitutionality of a law.
"Yet the assertion often seen on this subforum is that it is for the SCOTUS alone to determine the constitutionality of a law."

In response to Worcester v. Georgia President Andrew Jackson is alleged to have said, "John Marshall has made his decision, now let him enforce it!" Whether or not the above quote is authentic there's no doubt that the destruction of the Indian tribes by force and fraud continued without missing a beat. The opinions of the Congress, the President and the Supreme Court of the United States are nothing more than words on paper if Soldiers and Police Officers refuse to carry them into effect. All of Senator Feinstein and President Obama's machinations are for nothing if Soldiers and Policemen remember their oaths and hold to them.
90 Sheriffs so far.

Also, don't give up on the people in the coastal states. Just like MN, California, Oregon and Washington have huge urban concentrations that cancel out the votes of the rest of the state. In Washington there are 39 counties and Democrats only have to win 3 counties to get all the electoral votes.

Oregon has had 12 Sheriffs come out against gun control
California has had 13 Sheriffs come out against it.
Minnesota has had only 1.
My state Washington has had, sadly, none...
Stelma also opposes limiting ammo clips. When asked why people need a gun that fires 30 rounds, Sheriff Stelma said, "It's the same argument as why do you need ten golf clubs in your golf bag-- it's the person's right."
This- its why I like living in kent county.
Just don't forget about MAIG member Heartwell and his cohort in gun control County Clerk Hollinrake.
I try not to cross directly into Grand Rapids, I spend most of my time in Kentwood, Wyoming and Grandville.

But as an Allegan co. resident, I can't vote for the mayor of GR or anyone in the county.
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