Lanolin/Alcohol Case Lube

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WW2 Collector

Jan 26, 2021
Georgetown, DE
I am new to both reloading and The High Road. I have read that you can make your own case lube from Lanolin and alcohol. Has anyone used it and can you give me some feedback on how well it works. Thanks.

Home-brew Dillon style case lube works wonderfully, been using it for years

if you google "case lube for cheap bastards", you can find the recipe.

Last time I went to amazon to order lanolin, they recommended alcohol and spray bottles, so it must be popular
I switched over from $10 Hornady One Shot sprsy lube to the homeade stuff and love it. It is a lot cheaper and does a better job of lubeing your cases.

Use Liquid Lanolin. You can buy it at
Or on E Bay.

Then get the red bottle of Heet Dry Gas.

I bought a semi see thru spray bottle of cleaner at walmart for 99 cents to use as my lube spray bottle.

Mix it ten to one.

I measured up 4 1/2 inches and put a line with a black sharpie pen.

Then measured up another 1/2 inch and put a line with the black sharpie.

Put the dry gas up to the first line, then the liquid lanolin up to your next line.

Shake it up and you are good to go.

After you spray your cases let yhem sit for five to ten minutes to give the achohol time to dry so you just have the lanolin on the cases for your lube.

If you jump the gun and resize before the achohol has time to dry you will get a STUCK CASE!.

You should buy or put together a stuck case set up.

I bought the stuff to remove stuck cases.
I drill bit, a 1/4 - 20 tap, a 9/16 socket, some 1/4 flat washers, a 1/4 - 20 bolt.

Wecome to the HighRoad and enjoy youself.

If you have any problems or questions feel free to ask. We are here to help each other.
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I've been using Dillion Case Lube for years. Best lube by far and it has been in years past at $9.00 per bottle so I gave the homemade lube a try, It works just as well as factory made. I bought the HomeHealth 4 oz. bottles and 99% isopropyl alcohol from Amazon. Mix the liquid lanolin at a 12 to 1 ratio to be similiar to Dillion's. One ounce of lanolin to 12 oz. of 99% alcohol is much cheaper than 8 oz. at $9.00. Works great for 50 BMG down to .223 cases. I still use a roll pad and a nylon neck brush for lubing inside necks. To remove the lanolin lube I tumble in corn cob media. Have never had a stuck case even when the alcohol was wet. Some put lube in a ziploc bag and shake the cases to apply lube and possibly get an unlubed case? I'll stay with my lube pad. Spray one shot onto the pad and lube many cases until adding more lube.
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I use lanolin/alcohol lube with handgun cases and 204 Ruger cases. With the success I have had with 204 Ruger, I'd probably use it with similar size or smaller rifle cases. I just have not been reloading 223 Remington, 300 Blackout, or similar sized cases much recently. I've done a little trial and error testing with 30-06 and 308 Win sized cases that did not end well, but I'll admit, I may not have found the sweet spot for getting good lube coverage and letting the alcohol time to flash off.

Giving the alcohol time to flash off is most important.

I've tried Dillon and Midway's commercial spritz on equivalent with good results.

I've tried a can of Hornady's aerosol One Shot with dismal success.
All I use is lanolin and alcohol mixed a 1 part to 10 parts. I put that mixture in a spray bottle and then lightly spray cases in a cardboard box top. Roll them around and they are ready to reload. I have never had a case stick or had any other issues with this method. And $10 from Amazon will buy you enough to last for a very long time.
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I have used it successfully for several years. I put an old 30 cal bullet in the bottle to shake around as an agitator for when the lanolin settles in the bottom of the bottle.
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Had bad luck with one shot a few times. Quite possibly my error but it’s very unforgiving of error.
Lanolin all the way for me. May one piece of advice is keep your die clean when using lanolin.
if you do use one shot a clean die is a must.
Lanolin is a first class PIA to remove from sized cases. Just use Honady's One Shot sizing spray and be done with it.
After sizing, I toss the brass in my media tumbler for thirty minutes and the brass is free of lube and ready to load.

I also re-use my RCBS spray lube bottle as it pumps out a finer mist than the bottles at wally world so your lube goes farther before re-fills.

Sounds great, but for $8 try a 4 oz. tub of Unique case lube by Hornady. Put in on like a secretary uses tackie finger stuff and resize your case right away, no waiting time. Started using it 3 years ago and still haven't bought my next tub. Nice thing is I haven't dented a case since I started using it. Figure it to be 600 30.06 cases, 400 pistol cases and used maybe half. I hear it is also good for waterproof leather shoes, etc.
I have been using the lanolin/isopropyl mix for decades. I agree it is a pain to remove after and tumbling in corn cob works best. I am presently trying isopropyl/wire lube. It seems to work as well and cleans off much easier. I probably will be switching to that entirely if things pan out for everything I reload.
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I use it with the gallon zip lock bags, you can spray too much into the bag, you have to allow alcohol to evaporate and it is easy to throw the case back in a tumbler before or after trimming, I've heard of loaded ammo being run through a tumbler. I've used both "99%" alcohol and "red" bottle Heat and they seem to work the same.
I have polished the neck sizing ball and now it doesn't take as much neck lube
Was out of town with everything to load but forgot to pack case lube. Quick search I found a link,

Quick trip to a general store and I found some of the Kiwi mink oil. Was a bit hesitant but gave it a whirl. After a couple of years I still have about half the can and it still works great.

I did try the lanolin alcohol spray but don't like it nearly as well. Like mentioned above, just a dab on a couple fingers and smeared in your palm then lay out 4 or 5 case and give them a roll.

Certainly cheap and easy enough to use I'll keep a tin around.
It works great with the unfortunate side effect of a disgusting snotty mess to clean up.

Hornady One Shot or WD-40 Specialist Dry Lube PTFE work great with zero mess.

Guess what I use.
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Spray it on, ( case lube for cheap bastards ) shake, pour into DIllon XL650 casefeeder / RT1200 trimmer / SWAGE-IT

each pull of the handle produces a processed case.

then dry tumble in 20/40 grit ( fine) corncob, it cleans off the caselube, and is too small to get into the primer holes


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