Latest JPFO alert, criticizes NRA and newly enacted (yesterday) law.

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Dec 24, 2002
sowest pa.
Some people swear by JPFO, others swear at JPFO. Read the following and draw your own conclusions. For whatever it might be worth, I've been a LIFE MEMBER of NRA since 1973.

America's Aggressive Civil Rights Organization

December 21st, 2007


The National Rifle Association has done it.


Having advertised itself for more than a century as the nation's
foremost defender of the Second Amendment, the NRA has once again
given aid and comfort to politicians -- all of the "usual suspects":
Carolyn McCarthy, Charles Schumer, Patrick Leahy, Harry Reid, and that
perennial Judas goat John Dingell -- as well as to pressure groups
like the Brady Campaign, who are determined to destroy that right, by
assisting passage of a law with the potential to strip hundreds of
thousands of military veterans of their basic right to own and carry

This latest slap in the gun owner's face by the overstuffed suits
at the NRA -- the same gang who eagerly signed off on the Gun Control
Act of 1968, despite its origins in Hitler's Germany -- establishes
the "principle" that individuals with the slightest of mental health
"problem" (anyone, for instance, who ever sought professional help for
mild depression or difficulty sleeping) have no inalienable right to

(For more information on the Nazi roots of the 1968 Gun Control
Act, be sure to see _Gun Control: Gateway to Tyranny_, available at: )

For politicians, it's a payoff: precisely the response they wished
for, to the latest series of what more and more observers now believe
(however reluctantly) are purposely contrived incidents in which armed
criminals feel free to attack crowds of people they know are unarmed
and helpless because the law -- and some corporate policies -- demand

For the psychiatric profession, it enshrines their practitioners
as powerful arbiters of who may or may not exercise their individual

For America's gun owners, it's just another aspect of the long,
continuous, cruel hoax perpetrated by the NRA, which collects millions
of dollars in membership money under the false pretense of defending
rights that they have proven willing to bargain away on the slightest

In doing so, they have empowered the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco,
Firearms, and Explosives to commit larger and more frequent atrocities
of the kind we've become so familiar with over the years. Given past
behavior, it would not be above them to pay informants, including
those psychiatrists, who will attest to anybody's mental instability,
trusting to the increasingly crooked court system to back the Bureau

(To learn more about BATFE history, strategy, and tactics, see the
JPFO documentary _The Gang_. Go to: )

Don't let the NRA suits put a fancy spin on it, it's really very
straightforward: first, there was no extra gun law; then there was one
-- thanks to the NRA. The last thing this country needs is another gun
law. It already has 25,000. It needs to start repealing them. All of

There's no way to avoid a simple but apalling truth: the NRA's
crawling into bed with the Brady Campaign is _exactly_ like the
Anti-Defamation League endorsing the American Nazi Party, unthinkable,
unspeakable, and disgusting. And, given the vital role that privately
owned arms have played historically and currently in reducing violent
crime and deterring foreign aggression, it is probably treason, as

Weak, submissive behavior of this kind is not the way for Second
Amendment defenders to enter an era of liberal Democratic political

Jews for the Preservation of Firearms Ownership calls upon NRA
President John C. Sigler, Executive Vice President Wayne LaPierre,
Executive Director of the NRA Institute for Legislative Action Chris
W. Cox (and any of the 75-member board of directors who approves their
reprehensible actions) to resign their positions, forfeiting all
pensions or "golden parachutes". Not for the first time, by helping to
pass yet another infringement of our rights, these people have brought
shame upon themselves, their organization, on gun owners everywhere,
and especially their country and the Constitution that is its highest

- The Liberty Crew
Yeah the bill that passed is not the same bill everyone was so worked up about a month ago.

At this point the whiners and criers just look like dummies.

Go read what was actually passed......

- the same gang who eagerly signed off on the Gun Control
Act of 1968, despite its origins in Hitler's Germany

Godwin's Law invoked in the very first post. That's usually hard to manage......
Says the group that apparently doesn't do anything except put out alerts criticizing NRA. What exactly does JPFO do anyway? By their own admission they cannot lobby or endorse candidates for office. Can the "Liberty Crew" even read a bill?

Question: Tell me about pro-gun, pro-liberty political candidates. Help me pass better laws.

Answer: At JPFO we frequently receive questions about political candidates and proposed legislation, but because we are a tax-exempt educational organization JPFO cannot and does not get involved with candidates, elections, or lobbying for laws.

Information about legislation, political candidates and elections can sometimes be found via Gun Owners of America.

It seems JPFO, like GOA, exists simply to bash NRA. Since they don't lobby, I assume JPFO, like GOA, was completely unaware that Senator Coburn had released his hold on the bill or that the bill was being voted on Wed afternoon.
Apparently, they also share GOA's inabilty to count votes. Somehow Unanimous in both the Senate and House becomes an NRA sellout.
When we have perfectly sane people adjudicated mentally defective for their political beliefs in the United States, this law will be the LAST thing we will be worrying about. Most of us have enough guns to pass around to others in the resistance movements, should this happen, because THAT is the scenario we're talking about. It's a VERY extreme and VERY unlikely scenario, where sane people are systematically adjudicated mentally defective by the government -- extreme enough that it equates to a complete breakdown of our system into brutal totalitarianism. I hope this never happens.

In said scenario, our RKBA, along with every other liberty we have, will already be gone. Our current rule of law would be utterly destroyed in this scenario, and this law and all others would have become irrelevant.

That's what happened in Nazi Germany, since JPFO brought it up. Now think what you want about whether that can or will happen here, or whatever, but until and unless it does, this law is not the problem they say it is. And if or when the unthinkable happens, that law won't matter anyway.

But for now, under our current system, if truly insane and dangerous people aren't allowed to purchase guns over the counter, I think it will probably help us politically, not hurt us. And I think it's in the interest of the United States and the whole world as we know it to keep our system working, for a lot of reasons.
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blah, blah, blah, somebody actually did something in Washington, we must protest it! Wait a minute, we gained market share? Protest! It isn't a completely unrealistic version of the world we want, we must protest!

Heck, even the Brady bunch can't figure out which story to run on this one. At least we finally got a process for rights to be restored for some people. Let's hope we can get it extended to others with more legislation and a positive push.
I've donated to JPFO, as well as other groups.

"At this point the whiners and criers just look like dummies."

But I agree with this statement. They need to read the amended version and quit looking at the original version.
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