LEO's where do you carry your bug?

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Not LEO myself. Quite a few of my LEO friends retired (ing). Not uncommon to have more than one BUG, in various places. Not uncommon for me to know,incase something happened, or we leave a courthouse be handed one, we eat lunch, give back , re enter courthouse. :)
I shot , hunted, fished with these guys, actually just an accepted fact we all carried, heck I'd get fussed at if not.

I would imagine if I ran across an THR LEO, heck any member of THR we would just accept we were CCW. Probably get fussed at if I wasn't, and one of my permits said I could.

Illinois, humm problem there If I ever meet a mod we have that is LEO with the laws being what they are. Now Lawdog might give me a citation for not cleaning my gun...

"Son gonna write you up , not for speeding,nope, for nelphs, nelphs ain't allowed in firearms in this neck of the woods..."
I used to carry a Kel-Tek P-32 in a pocket holster strong side.

I just started to carry a S&W 4516 strong side IWB.

Reading several threads about BUGS, it made me consider the posibility of my strong side arm/hand being incapacitated at some time when I needed it the most.

So I'm probably going to continue to carry the P-32 weak-side in a pocket holster.

Comments or suggestions?

Some of the other issues related to this, listening to the comments and questions of cops discussing it ...

Ankle-carry allows for the Secondary to be accessed much more quickly in situations where the person is seated behind the wheel, especially if they hadn't taken the time to adjust their seat belt, and car coat, properly when they got in the car ... Or, the seat belt and car coat became twisted and displaced during a violent series of movements while driving code, and coming to a sudden stop ... and then the suspect is suddenly outside the vehicle, armed & SHOOTING ... while you're belted in your car. This isn't a hypothetical situation, as I know someone who found themselves in this situation, and unable to "extricate" their holstered service weapon while getting shot at.

Some cops apparently only consider their Secondary to be primarily intended to replace the Primary weapon when it either runs totally dry, or else is disabled or unavailable for whatever reason ... and plan on being able to draw & present their Secondary with their dominant hand. They seem to think of it as more of a "second primary" weapon. Placement which emphasizes dominant-hand use seems to be their choice, and weapon type selection seems consistent with their primary weapon.

Other cops seem to think their Secondary weapon is going to be mostly used when they're unable to access their Primary weapon, or else they're fighting for control of their Primary ... and they plan to be able to use their non-dominant hand to draw and use the Secondary. In some instances, you'll hear discussion of a small revolver being considered preferable for such duty, since a small platform semiauto, used during stress in a non-dominant hand, MIGHT involve a bit more potential for the weapon to experience a "grip related" malfunction if the operator doesn't get the "proper" grip on it during those critical moments of high stress, and perhaps violent physical exertions.

Some folks seem to think that just "having a Secondary" is sufficient, and apparently don't think much beyond that ... not about the caliber, weapon type, method of carry, etc., etc.

Some folks seem to think that Secondary weapons of just about "full size" dimensions are preferable. I've seen Commanders & M66's carried as Secondary weapons ... and other folks seem to think diminutive guns and calibers are sufficient.

Some agencies have guidelines for the method of carry, placement on the body, type & caliber of Secondary weapon ... and even issue them.

Listening to different folks explain their thoughts and desires regarding Secondary weapons seems to reveal that the concept and envisioned purpose of Secondary weapons can vary somewhat among folks. These varying ideas can change not only the opinion of what weapon/caliber is better suited for different needs, but the method of carry considered, as well.
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Somewhere, I can get to it, and where a thug is unlikely to grab it. The latter half is why I won't give out details. ;)
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