Letter and a Tea Bag (sim to but not same: Pencil and a Teabag)

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Nov 22, 2007
So this might be stealing someone elses thunder, but the post from earlier today and a campaign waged last July by GOAL (Gun Owners' Actino League) have culminated in:

Dear President-Elect Obama/Sentor _____/Representative_____,

In 1773 a group of our forefathers, tired of seemingly capricious laws imposed by the British Government, dumped a shipload of tea into Boston Harbor in what is now known as the Boston Tea Party. I am sending you this tea bag as a symbol of my protest against current legislative thinking and the potential for drastic and capricious laws that historically have not succeed in either reducing crime or protecting society.

I ask you to promote whatever is necessary to reform United States laws and policy with respect to the Constitutional Right to Keep and Bear Arms. I understand that this is counter to the prevailing political and philosophical positions found in the upcoming administration; however I would like to point out:

• Firearm safety, much like automobile safety is a product of education. Current legislation does not adequately address this issue.
• Stringent and restrictive firearms laws do not cut violence. Those laws seem to have a counter effect.
• Sensible firearms ownership should be paramount to the issue. Making the issue partisan or polar is not a vehicle for change and does not promote public safety.

Interestingly, a number of events in recordable history have been influenced or inspired by the Boston Tea Party, including the Salt Satyagraha in India lead by Mahatma Gandhi. Long lasting effects of that protest are more intellectual than administrative.

Even if this letter does not achieve widespread change, it would be a victory if this letter and the embedded symbolism fostered an intellectual change in the manner in which we approached firearms laws: Any regulation to those rights should be thoughtful and bear in mind the securities for which our forefathers fought. The United States of America is a government deriving its just powers from the consent of the governed. We are a free people, and we have the Bill of Rights. Those rights should not be infringed.

Thank you, for you time.


The letter was half poached from GOAL and reconstructed by me... Please critique (and use) the letter. I'd be more than happy at taking another crack at the letter and post it for all to use...

You might remind the recipients that a past president named Clinton also pushed gun control measures similar to that being proposed by the incoming administration, and as a result his party lost control of the House and Senate during the following decade. History can repeat itself…
I think the teabags will create more of the desired effect. Pencils will get a resounding "huh?" from elected officials. Tea is part of our history.

BTW, I love the idea. I think I will do this.
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I tried to keep the flavor of the letter more balanced and not finger pointing. Notice the back-and-forth on the bulleted points. There is no intent to make this anything other than good letter, and the agenda is already evident.

I am looking for input on the construct of the letter. I believe it is well written, but is it too long? Need more white space? Bullets missing the point? I read it and I like it, but to a third party reader is it difficult to follow? Addressed to the right people?

I can think of several additional politicians that deserve a good teabagging.

(sorry couldn't resist), just wanted to be sure that it is known that there is another meaning to "tea bag" urban dictionary is a good place to look it up. Maybe good for a quick laugh, maybe not.... :)

"Pencil and a Teabag", is that a pun?
Thanks to those who have sent them in. This can start gaining some traction. Remember to spread the word!
I agree with you that it could be shortened.

Be direct and brief.

"The #2 pencil included with this note is a tangible reminder of my support for the Second Amendment as an individual right. I consider it to be on par with freedom of the press or speech in this country. I hope you support the same rights that I hold dear. If not, you should consider the eraser on the pencil as a reminder to all politicians who want their names to stay on the ballot this next election. A backlash from voters against elected officials who infringe the right to keep and bear arms could erase those names from office."
"The #2 pencil included with this note is a tangible reminder of my support for the Second Amendment as an individual right. I consider it to be on par with freedom of the press or speech in this country. I hope you support the same rights that I hold dear. If not, you should consider the eraser on the pencil as a reminder to all politicians who want their names to stay on the ballot this next election. A backlash from voters against elected officials who infringe the right to keep and bear arms could erase those names from office."

An excellent, short, and pointed letter. My compliments !
...A backlash from voters against elected officials who infringe the right to keep and bear arms could erase those names from office.


better make that

"...A backlash from voters against elected officials who infringe the right to keep and bear arms could PEACEABLY erase those names from office."

As long as we are held to their double standards we have to watch our language VERY carefully.
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