Link: Old Hunting Article Written by Lee Marvin

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Aug 20, 2003
I just thought this was one of the coolest things I'd seen in a while and thought I'd share it.

"Elk Hunting With Lee Marvin"


Actor and all-time great movie bad-a** Lee Marvin, wrote this article for Gun World about going on an Elk Hunt in the early 60's. I thought it was really interesting how he goes into his own hunting experiences and how he selected his rifle and ammo.

Hope you enjoy!
Great find! I also noted that he tells you the tab for his weekend. No celebrity today would dream of disclosing such information. He's addressing the readers as equals, not looking down on them from a private jet.
Good story...I'm a big fan of Lee Marvin and that era in general. A lot of the stars of the day loved guns and a lot of them were hunters . Its a cryin shame the tough as nails movie stars like Lee Marvin and the like are gone forever. Seems like there's nothing but a bunch of sissys in Hollywood now. Makes me wander what happened to the real men that used to be in movies? They have now been replaced by what I call "generation ****"...Don't mean to offend nobody but I'm sure somebody understands what I'm talkin about.
Yea those guys were from a different mold for sure.
Back in the 60's there was some hunting and fishing show that came on every Sunday and usually had some actor with a guide hunting or fishing.
I remember Fess Parker of the Davey Crockett lore shoot a BlackBear on one of the segments.
Today an actor that did that would be run out of Hollywood for such a thing.
I found this VERY interesting....

From the introduction written by the obviously sensitive lilly livered, sheltered little boy who runs that blog

"I personally don't hunt (and frankly find sport-hunting more than a little repellent), but this piece is fascinating for a number of reasons. First, it's a throwback to a time when actors didn't fall into tidy political categories. Marvin seems to have been one of those Hemingway lefties who drank and sport-fished and got in fistfights and dabbled in multimedia. It's also a throwback to a time when leading men lived long, vivid, and sometimes traumatic lives before they ever stepped in front of a camera -- which of course made them infinitely more interesting to watch than the pretty-boy milk-sops that pass for action heroes today."

You mean there was time when "lefties" were real people and not the protoplasmic mushy waste of flesh that they are today?:D;)
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