Loosening up a knife

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Dec 15, 2006
Cordova TN
I have a couple dozen fairly nice Benchmade and Spyderco knives. Some of the blades swing easily on their pivot while others are pretty tight. All are new or next to new. For example, the Benchmade Skirmish swings easily on its pivot and flicks open with ease. I have a nice Spyderco (can't remember the model but its about 4" blade and all stainless steel with serrated blade). I like that knife but don't like that I can't flick it open. I don't like using the thumb hol. The Skirmish has too long a blade for carry. id like to carry the Spyderco. Soooo....can you loosen one up and how if you can? Peace....Joe.
You have to provide the model or a pic. Is it a back lock or a liner/frame lock?

Also, if you pinch the hole and pop the knife down it will open by flicking it that way.
An abrasive tooth polish liquid can help accelerate the use/wear process if it were just the pivot being tight, but with a back-lock you're not going to do much more than smooth out the lock a little. Also, modern Spydercos are designed to not flip out like you're thinking so they can stay in compliance with as broad an international (re. Canadian) rule set as possible.

Try to hole hold pop it like I explained and you'll probably get familiar enough with it to like it.
Noted and thank you for the info. Maybe the ole worn out Benchmade just needs s sharpening and brought back out if the safe.
I don't know whether it will work on your Spydie, but I had a Benchmade Pika years ago. I pried the front of the spring slightly, which made it much easier to open. It didn't seem to make it more likely to unlock during normal use. Not liking back/mid-locks, I didn't keep it for long to determine how that affected longevity or safety, so I'd pass this along for informational purposes only.
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