LTCF statistics for Pennsylvania

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Apr 7, 2008
I need LTCF statistics for the state of Pennsylvania. Number of LTCFs issued each year, number revoked, number of crimes committed by LTCF holders, etc.

It could be any state, actually. My objective is to provide evidence that crimes committed by permit holders are low in comparison to crimes committed by non-permit holders. I'd like to be able to ask an anti why he fears the low crime rate amongst permit holders more than he does crime committed by non-permit holders, should he express such fears.

I've been doing some research and am continuing to do so. Anyone got a good source or two?

Thank in advance.
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You might find out the number issued and/or revoked, but there are no statistics for crimes committed with LTCF's.
I found this quote over at pafoa.

"At the end of 2008 there were 637,949 LTCFs active with a state population of 9,131,130 adults (21+) for a rate of 7.0% "

Don't know how many of the 150,800 listed permits issued in 2008 would be brand new as opposed to renewals, but it must be "some" and things haven't been cooling off in the firearms world in the last few years, so I'd imagine the total number would almost have to be around 700,000 by now.
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