Mandatory Gun Buybacks

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The real base of the "buy-back" movement is the belief that the government really owns everything and we are allowed to use certain of these things until the government wants it back... .

You think your rights are inalienable, but it's already clear. Uncle Sam will pee in your cheerios anytime it suits him. NFA, GCA, Obamacare mandate, etc/ Our rights have always had gift status regardless of the propaganda of a supposed "free country". I'll see your "free country" and raise you a dozen CIA black sites where we do the torturing. A beacon of freedom, until you pull the curtain back.

Our 9mm pistol with 5000 rounds of ammo will not feed our starving children or give them clean water to drink. That will be how we are defeated. Tyrants will not need take our guns.....only take our food and water. We can hide in the mountains, but anyone who can take over our country will burn those mountains or gas them, or blockade them until everyone there dies of thirst.

Exactly. Look how quickly the might of the US military can destroy small pockets of resistance like the taliban and al quaeda in afghanistan or ISIL in syria and Iraq. Piece of cake, regulating armed groups of organized people over millions of square miles of land. All in a days work. The reality is a million man chinese army couldn't secure Texas outside of it's major cities. I get tired of people, patriots included, acting like American military might is unstoppable. We haven't won a war decisively since 1945 and won't again if it's all insurgencies and guerrilla conflict. You can't shoot an ideology or bomb a set of strong beliefs held by people.

Those suspected of owning firearms will be ordered to turn them in. If they do not, they will be fined. Their wages will be garnished. Leans will be placed on their property. They will have driver's licenses taken away, be put on no-fly lists, etc., etc.

Creating a situation ripe for insurgency. These kind of gov't actions are exactly what drives people into taking up arms and for those who aren't willing to pull a trigger, to aid and abet and provide moral and material support for those who will. No useful idiot will sympathize with my guns being taken. Many useful idiots will sympathize with taking away the social security and medicare of the elderly. Many useful idiots will sympathize when wages are "unjustly" garnished or whose drivers license was wrongfully taken away.
That must be why the Taliban control substantial portions of Afghanistan and we're negotiating with them...

But....but....but....we don't negotiate with terrorists. We just supply them with great military hardware when they fight our enemies. LOL

If the buybacks come, as a law abiding gun owner, I will be first in line to turn my stuff in. Or rather, what little left I have after the boating accident. Dang crestliners.....
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