More news on the NRA….

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rabid wombat

Mar 16, 2014
I’m glad the real goal of Jones’ little vendetta was smacked down.
Agreed. Never trust a smiling alligator.

Make no mistake, she wanted to destroy our club, not help us out from under Wayne’s gluttony.

Now she actually has to do her job, for us, with no end benefit to her or her party.

And now La’ Pipsqueak has no cover of her just wanting to wreck Gun Owners, and will have to defend himself, hopefully.

Did it just get sunnier out?:)
Time for Wayne and his cronies to pay for their theft and the members can work to get their organization back and make sure that dictatorship never happens again. The NRA will get my money when that happens.

I do agree, but when the club requires are a bit stuck.

I suggested a different group, any other group, or your choice of did not go over real well. Do not under estimate how deep the corruption goes.
I have to say been a member since the 60s and there was a time when a NRA sticker on the back window of your vehicle was respected by just about everybody. The leadership in power now needs to go all at the top need to go. The NRA is not a personal banking organization. I know a few people including myself who if we got the chance and without a salary could put the NRA back where it belongs.
Yep, the prosecution of WLP and his cronies will continue. They could be fined or jailed.

Without a ruling revamping the board of directors and changing the bylaws to allow member input, it becomes possible for another gaggle of crooks to take control of the NRA in the future. It is unlikely that an overseer will be appointed. The NY attorney general never addressed those issues in her complaint.
The only way to change the NRA & make sure this doesn't happen again is to vote. Look in your March NRA book there is a voting ballot. Just vote in people that will change the NRA to something that will work.
Oh a trick to voting, you can vote for 25 people but if you want to put force behind one person just check one box & that's 25 votes for the one person.
The only way to change the NRA & make sure this doesn't happen again is to vote. Look in your March NRA book there is a voting ballot. Just vote in people that will change the NRA to something that will work.
Oh a trick to voting, you can vote for 25 people but if you want to put force behind one person just check one box & that's 25 votes for the one person.

I don't know how to tell who on the ballot is a Wayne supporter and who would fire him. Yes, I don't understand the "personalized" fund appeals. Does he need another new suit?
I am hopeful that the ruling does not get reversed because I don't think the membership should be penalized for WLP and his cronies actions. To me the best possible outcome would be those individuals at the top to be tried, if found guilty, convicted and spend some quality time in prison.
I keep getting fundraising emails personally from "Wayne LaPierre." I don't understand the logic of this from the NRA's point of view. Knowing the near-universal revulsion against LaPierre, they could at least de-personalize their appeals. Or, the NRA staff is purely made up of LaPierre toadies.

You need to remember just who is sending out those of his minions. You see they do not believe there is a near-universal revulsion to him, they think it is just a few squeaky wheels. or They are hoping they come across someone that does not follow it close and get another ten bucks out of them.

IMHO even if he is clean as sunday sheets he needs to go for the overall health of the NRA. He knows this, and has known this for a long time, that he chooses to fight it shows that he does not have the NRA's best interests at the front of his mind.
I can't understand why WLP has not resigned yet.
He's sucked out enough money for all his family/friends/cronies to live in opulence for many future generations, the NRA headquarters is falling down around him from lack of maintenance...why not resign :cuss:

I'm guessing greed.
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