Mounting a portable pistol safe in a vehicle?

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Jan 18, 2021
I am looking at ways to mount this safe in my pickup. Does anybody have a safe like this that they mounted in their vehicle? If so, what did you use to secure it? How and where did you mount it in your vehicle? The folks at WINCENT sent me one of their Elite RSZero Smart Portable RFID Gun safes to try out. This video shows an overview of the safe and how it works, but I am looking for ideas on how to mount this thing.

Carriage bolts and a steel plate reinforcement on the chassis, red loctite, and heavy washers inside the case. Then a thicker foam to protect the gun.

The safe is secure, but the vehicle is mobile. Still defeatable in short order with most battery powered tools.
I have one called BULLDOG
It is small and inexpensive. I keep it in our jeep to put my ccw in if I need to disarm.
It has a cable that I run under the framework of my drivers seat.
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