Moving from California to Virginia!!!!

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I work out near Dulles(right off of Rt. 28) and live out past Leesburg. I know the storage place that you mentioned.

Congrats on the move. Hope to see ya one day. If you can somehow swing owing a small piece of property in Loudoun County, I'll be glad to sponsor you for the Loudoun County Chapter of the Izaak Walton League. ( )

My shooting schedule is really limited for the next few months(baby on the way), but I try and join the THR "Welcome to VA" Shoot.
You're right, the housing prices near the Beltway are insane. I'm all for the free market, but there are absolutely no new single family houses built near the beltway for less than 500K. Decent townhouses are 250K+. Thus I moved to the Valley. Even though I'm 75 miles from DC, we made 10 percent on our house in a year! Even out in the sticks, housing prices are going up, which is great if you already own.
Arriving here in August is a bit tough - the '170 Rule' applies, i.e. the sum of the temperature and humidity will equal of exceed 170, but the Fall is long and slow, and Spring comes early. As noted, housing prices are silly, but then again, so are they in SoCal. Traffic sucks, but it sounds like you have an easy 'commute'. Schools in Fairfax or Loudon are good. VA is "Shall Issue", and the local crew has pretty much covered the other necessaries so I'll just add: "Welcome to the Old Dominion!"
Thank you all.

It's almost 7:00 pm, Wednesday evening PDST. I'm goning to be off line 'til the 15th at the earliest.

I will try to contact some of you when I'm able.

Sincere thanks for the information on Virginia. I think my wife and I will find things quite enjoyable.

Shootist 45
Anyone want to start taking bets on how long it'll take him to start buying full capacity mags, get a CCW or start down the path to get a silencer or an AOW?
I say two months before he starts to fill out his CCW paperwork. That gives him his 30days residency and time to take a class. :)

May I say, Welcome to Virginia.

Some notes on our idiosyncratic nature:

Northern Virginia and the rest of the state are not the same thing.

Virginia has an ego the size of Texas's. It's just not so loudly expressed.

Thomas Jefferson and Robert E. Lee are both considered near-gods. Learn all you can about both to accelerate your aclimatization to the state. They embodied much of what we think makes it special.

We tend to be really proud of our history, our wine (Now don't get all Californian on us and complain about the high acid content either. It's "character".), our horses, our produce, our landscapes, and above all, our status as Virginians.

We all know that the Civil war would have ended before it began if Virginia hadn't carried the south, but we're too polite to mention it very often.

We're firmly convinced that the same was probably true for the Revolution.

We think the Chesapeake Bay produces the world's finest seafood. And we're right.:D

Our "hillbillies" make hand carved wooden dulcimers, furniture, fiddles, rifle stocks that sell for 10's of thousands of dollars.
I hear they also make some of the best shine in the business, but you'll have to be here for a long time before anybody'll sell some to you.
I've been here all my life, and I still haven't found any. If it weren't a sacrelige to say it, I'd think the revenuers must've got all the stills out there.

"White Water" is the foam coming off the beer you crack open as you drift slowly northward in your inner tube on the Shenendoah. (Watch the rocks in dry years!)

Go ahead and buy land. Just do it really far out from the DC area. You'll be able to put a hunting cabin on it, retire, and wait for Urban Sprawl to make you a millionaire.

The Dulles Corridor (the area along the toll road from the airport to DC) is unofficially known as Silicon Valley, East. It has literally anything you would ever want, and probably within 30 miles. You just have to pay through the nose for it.

Winter: Stay off the roads unless it's sunny and dry. Locals become idiots when it rains. Don't ask about snow, and don't even go out doors when the freezing rain starts. Hunting Season!

Spring: Watch out for flash floods, and as usual, stay off the roads when it rains. Pretty, cool, etc. Check out the horse country around Middleburg. Spring trophy Rockfish season on the bay!

Summer: One word: Humidity. Most of us go to the bay or the ocean to swim, eat crabs, or sail a boat around. Those near the river go tubing. Cook something on the grill.

Autumn: Everybody heads for the blue ridge to watch the leaves turn colors, eat pumpkin pie, take winery tours and hay rides. Most towns have some sort of fair going on. The Rockfish return to the Bay! This is our best time.

We tend to be really proud of our history, our wine (Now don't get all Californian on us and complain about the high acid content either. It's "character".), our horses, our produce, our landscapes, and above all, our status as Virginians.

Speaking of wine, there's a wine festival off of I66 near The Plains coming up if you want to sample Virginia's wines. I think it's the weekend of Aug 16th. My wife and I went back in June. I came home with some interesting fruit wines instead of the usual grape based stuff.


Welcome to VA!

You're going to love CCW here - its one of the most gun friendly carrying states I've been in.

As mentioned before, you can't carry concealed into anyplace that serves alcohol...but...through a loophole you just make your weapon unconcealed and you're legal...go figure.

Hope your move goes smooth and again welcome.
He's probably stuck in traffic. :)

Meanwhile, speaking of moonshine, here's part of a 2002 article from the New York Times about the Moonshine Capital of the World...Rocky Mount/Franklin County. Looks like the old boys haven't all gone to raising smoking dope.

"Yet, the government maintained on March 6 in an affidavit related to its request for a search warrant, Mr. Hale is the person code-named Hat Man in the journals of the Farmers' Exchange. According to the journals, Hat Man bought 17,925 100-pound bags of sugar, paying close to $700,000, and 2,710 bundles of one-gallon containers for which he paid $42,000. With the sugar, the affidavit said, he could have produced 179,250 gallons of illegal liquor, worth $1.8 million at $10 a gallon." "

Now, about that "Ego the size of Texas" thing. Well, it is a great place, at least since West Virginia decided they were really Yankees and not Virginians. Really original name for a state, too.
(Do you know the definition of WVa foreplay? "Git in the truck woman.") (But we're a fair people, too... Do you know how many Richmonders it takes to change a lightbulb? Four. One to change it and three to talk about how good the old one was.)

Presidents born in Virginia, four of them before Texas joined up:

George Washington
Thomas Jefferson
James Madison
James Monroe
William Henry Harrison
John Tyler
Zachary Taylor
Woodrow Wilson

Presidents born in Texas:

Dwight Eisenhower
Lyndon Johnson

LBJ? Okay, I guess everybody is allowed one mistake. :)

Guess I'll head off the store to look at the P-3AT they just called me about.

California to Virginia--we made it!!!

It has been a long time for me to be off line. We got our phone line in on the 28th of August.

Took until today to get the internet connection, and it's just a dial-up!!! Feel like Neanderthal man. :fire:

We have been packing, driving or working since August 6th and just had a day off for the 1st of September, Labor Day. That makes 25 days straight, we're tired!!

I will try to be in contact on a more regular basis, even though it is a dial-up connection and work is demanding now. We are not in an area that has DSL and the cable company won't spend the extra $150.00 to string a line across the street.

If any of you Virginia High Roaders are close, let me know.

Have a good evening and we are honored to be in the great state of Virginia.:p
Let me say, Welcome to the Land of the Free.

As to the VA NRA range, membership is worth it, and I believe is cheaper if you are a member of the NRA already. If you become a member of the range, you can shoot basically all you want for only the membership cost, but only an hour at a time. The range is 12-lane, electronic target movement system, 50 yd range, well-ventilated indoor range, that can take anything up to and including .460 Weatherby. It is located in the same building as what is probably the world's most comprehensive firearms museum. People at the range, both officials and shooters, are friendly. If you have a wife and chilluns that want to go shooting, buy the family membership. If you shoot often, it will pay for itself.

Let me offer you advice: avoid the famous "mixing bowl" if possible, and visit DC as soon as possible. Go a few times. See the Smithsonians, the Washington Monument, the Capitol, and the Lincoln and Jefferson Memorials. Go to Mount Vernon. See Gunston Hall. Visit Monticello. Take pictures. Have fun.

Finally, as to the NOVA THR gathering, if we can pull it off, that would be fun. I'll let anybody who wants to take a few shots with my Mosin, P99, and 10/22, as long as ammo lasts.
Feel free to PM me if you need any help, I'm in Sully Station, Centreville along 28. We try to get together about once every few weeks at Bull Run for some shotgun shooting in the evening. Once again, welcome!

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