MSNBC Poll on "Kroger" carry...

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It's up at 1:21 AM.
And 54% in our favor.

But, the question choice was kinda misleading.

As all poll questions always are, it seems.

I can't wait for someone to come here and say, "I'm not going to hit the link because these polls are only created to increase traffic to the site.". I'm sure the ensuing discussion will play out exactly as it has in previous threads like this.

Still, I will hit as many 2A polls as possible, just so that us gun-owners are represented :cool:

40,500 Pro-gun votes, 34,500 against...Lets keep the votes coming!
Carrying At Krogers

I noticed this when I logged onto Yahoo yesterday to check my email;
having just "voted", my question is; what difference does it make, one way or another? I'm a frequent customer at Kroger in Indiana; as you may probably know, Indiana residents with a CC permit may carry "CC" or "OC" anyplace that doesn't have a notice stating that guns are not allowed.

I also happen to know quite a lot about Kroger (as a company), inasmuch as I'm originally from Cincinnati, and many years ago, I was "picking up" and "delivering" things at many Kroger warehouses. As a store to shop for groceries, I use Kroger quite a bit; but as a company, or as a place to work, forget Kroger!

I can guarantee this; Kroger is a tough nut to crack! They have been "doing things THEIR way" for many years, and it's my opinion that they will continue to do exactly the same thing into the forseeable future; I'm also guessing that it would take about 98% of their customers, all screaming and yelling in unison to even "get their attention", much less to have any possible chance of ever causing them to change their corporate mind about ANYTHING!

A "vote" or a "poll" taken by ANYONE has about as much chance of causing Kroger to do anything that they didn't already intend to do, as would be your chances of convincing all Democrats that all Republicans are "nice guys"!

(So don't hold your breath about how "vote goes". )
Wow, 75,000 votes. I'm glad we're winning but I'd like a bigger margin. (you may say it doesn't matter but I say to everyone that stumbles on that page and sees what the other sheeple think they tend to go along with sometimes).
I just voted we were ahead it was 56 percent in favor , they probably won't have anymore polls on this subject
My son used to work for Krogers in Texas as closing manager, he carried. Never a complaint especially after he saved a little girl from chocking to death.
Never a complaint especially after he saved a little girl from chocking to death.

Not that carrying a gun has anything to do with saving a girl from choking, but if there was "never a complaint," then there is no "especially" either before or after the event because never=0 and you can't have more zero, lol.
I'm in and reposted elsewhere to let folks know that we respect retailers that respect the laws on carry.
It took forever to load but i hit it. 63% in favor of cc. The comments were great. Some ponted out that fred meyers (kroger) stores sell firearms.
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