My gun is there to protect ME.

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Apr 3, 2008
New Hampshire
I read a good article about a year ago (forget the magazine) in which a firearms instructor (forget who) listed advice that he gives to his students about intervening in the affairs of others. He gave examples of armed citizens that were jailed or shot because they inserted themselves into situations where they could have left, did not belong, or did not really know what was going on.

There are threads about "What would you do if...?" on gun web sites. Of course the poster says that the situation is hypothetical, but they try to use common violent situations as examples. Here are my thoughts...

My first rule is not to get involved in the problems of others. This thought needs some qualification, so do not trash me unless you have read the entire post. I have seen some examples of where a person may have been justified in intervening, but probably should not have. In one instance, I saw a couple of a different race and color having an active debate on the street...a very busy main street in a city of 100,000. It appeared that the male had hunted for and found the female, and he gave her a few swats to emphasize whatever point he was making. I stayed the hell out if it because he was a lot bigger than me, deadly force was not justified, and I would probably not have been welcome in the internal and marital affairs of a couple from a different race/culture. I'd have probably just gotten beat up.

In another case I saw what was clearly a custody dispute in which a father snatched a kid from the mother. This was also on the street. The mother was arguing with the father in a very familiar manner. They obviously knew each other. Was this a kidnapping? It would be a stretch to say that. I did not get involved. He was absolutely snatching the child, but it looked like a matter that was best left to the police and courts to handle. Again, this was a large and fearsome individual, and I did not think that I had reason to pull a gun. So I would have just ended up getting in a fist fight that I was sure to lose...probably badly.

We clearly do not owe a legal duty to intervene in the affairs of others. Whether we have a moral duty is up to each individual to decide. Of course, if I saw an LEO scuffling with somebody, and it appeared that he was in trouble, I would intervene. I have a pretty good idea who the bad guy is in this scenario. But what about other responding officers? They do not know what my intentions are as the arrive at the scene of the scuffle. Good idea to have a gun out?

If I see a child being dragged across a parking lot and he is screaming "This isn't my daddy!" as they are supposed to do, I would certainly intervene. But if I am in a convenience store and it is being robbed, I plan to be invisible. Why? Well, while it is tempting to all of us to be a hero (especially when we are younger) the consequences can be dramatic if things go wrong. If you shoot an innocent bystander in a fire fight that you started...or if you are shot and paralyzed...

Do not think that the police will be happy if you do their job for them, especially if things go wrong. This is not in the context of personal defense, but in the context of intervening because you are armed, and can intervene.

LEO's say that their first duty is to make it home safely at night. Well, so is mine. I have a duty to my wife. It is not to get shot in the spine and paralyzed while intervening in a robbery that I could have sat out. My wife will NOT be happy :cuss: if I lose our estate because I intervened in the affairs of others and then face a ruinous lawsuit.

With very few exceptions my gun is there only to protect me. If I can see that somebody is clearly resolving personal problems in public, I am staying out of it. If I see a robbery in progress, I am going to "slip on out the back door" as George Thorogood would say. If I see a maniac shooting up a schoolyard, I will engage him. You get my point.

A lot of emphasis is placed on what tactics we will use to resolve "The Problem." I think that we also need to focus on whether we should be involved in The Problem in the first place.
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I believe that there are probably a few CCW'ers who believe they are either Wyatt Earp or some type of LEO because they are packing heat. They are LEO wannabes who are here to save the world.

I typically stay out of other peoples problems. I am a calm, quiet individual who greatly respects other peoples space and I give them that space in which to live in.

In regards to getting involved ? I have in the past. Twice, and both were over women ( who were strangers to me ) that were getting their butts kicked bad by their boyfriends / husbands. Once I stopped my car in the middle of the road to assist a woman who was being seriously beaten. I had no gun on me as this was pre-ccw days. The guy was drunk and it took one good swing to lay him out cold. The cops came, took my info, thanked me and off I went. He was arrested and she was hauled away in an ambulance. She took a horrible beating.

The other time I simply intervened by stepping between the guy and girl. I did nothing more then inform the guy that if he laid a finger on his girlfriend one more time I would rip his head off and crap down his neck. The coward boyfriend who loved to beat on defenseless women ( he was obviously scared of fighting a man ), stopped what he was doing and left. The cops came and took the woman home.

In the event someone is beating an elderly person, woman or child, I will gladly intervene. Anything else and I will probably get out my cell phone and make a 911 call and let it go to that. But I simply cannot stand by nor will I tolerate anyone while they abuse the elderly, children or women.

BG's, Gangbangers, meth and crack heads, thieves, lowlifes and drunks can beat or shoot each other for all I care. Just make me some popcorn and give me a front row seat in which to watch from and enjoy the show. :)

This reminds me of a story. A few weeks back I was sitting outside of a Kroger waiting for my gf to come out. A couple and their child (around 3 or 4 years old I'd guess) come out of the store. Little Johnny is running here and there and yelling his head off. Mom with the full cart says "I'll go ahead and take this to the car you chase him down".

So that leaves dad chasing little Johnny trying to catch him before he runs into traffic. He finally catches him and puts him over his shoulder and Johnny is now screaming bloody murder. Two soccer moms are entering the area on their way in the store and all they see is some big burly guy apparently kidnapping a child who is screaming for his life.

They get out the cellphones and start dialing 911 and the other is yelling at the man to put the child down. It was pretty funny to watch them butt in and overreact. I would say if they were armed they would have drawn down on him, but if they'd been armed they'd have had some common sense and the situation probably wouldn't have arisen.

You and I, sir, think alike.

Any interventions I have done after my law enforcement days have dealt with women, children, or elderly folks getting bullied/assaulted. Oh, and there were a couple of instances where I saw teenagers/college-aged punks grossly abusing animals. THAT absolutely enrages me.

For the most part, after having gone through what I did in the service and law enforcement, I want to be left the hell alone. As such, I try very hard to avoid being anywhere that trouble may exist or break out.

Some might say I live a boring life.

Fine with me. I had more than my share of excitement in my younger years. Boring is good.

In today's litigious society the last situation I will intervene in is a LEO vs. other situation. It is the LEO's job to do whatever he is doing and they know the risks. Like the OP said, it is not my job as a CCW to be a LEO.

Morally - I don't know how well I'd sleep seeing some random person just doing their job or in the wrong place at the wrong time get killed and not having at least tried to do something to prevent it if possible. On the other hand, do I want to risk jail time / legal defense fees unnecessarily? This is a touch question.

Everyone of us needs to think about this and decide for ourselves. The only advice that I would be willing to offer to all would be that if you have not thoroughly planned out when to intervene or not, in today's world, it is best not to. This is perhaps more sad than anything seen in Legal or Activism - that it may very well be best on levels other than mere self-preservation to not intervene when doing so might result in the prevention of harm to others.
Oh, and there were a couple of instances where I saw teenagers/college-aged punks grossly abusing animals. THAT absolutely enrages me.

Thank you for bringing that up Texas.

I am as sane as they come, but God help the individual I ever catch abusing animals.

I also agree with you as well on living a peaceful life. I have seen enough in my lifetime and do not want or need any drama in my world. But I will gladly hunt it down in the event I see abuse being delved out to seniors, women, children and animals.

I still need to wake up in the morning and look at myself in the mirror and like the person I see. I could never do that if I stood by and watched someone as I mentioned above get abused.

Glad to see there is another person who feels the same way I do.

The title of this thread says it all. . .

My [CCW] gun is to protect me - that's it - period. Two exceptions for me though: I will use it to protect my family and close friends from immenent serious harm or death. I would also use it to stop someone from being murdered IF (a) I thought I could do so without great risk of being killed myself and; (b) no other course of action would prevent the killing and (c) the situation was clear and the risk to life was unassialable and immediate.

The only other reason I can think of is if a law enforcement officer needed and asked for my assiatance with a life or death situation and even then; a, b, and c above would still apply.
I agree with the OP. Stay out of it!

When two people are involved in crap you NEVER know what is going on.

(Which is why I think people feel so strongly about animal abuse, we know who the bad guy is in that case.)

I too have seen enough during my days as a bartender and later in EMS to know that one can never tell who the good guy is and often there really isn't one.

I have seen more than one guy, deciding he was going to protect a woman he did not know who was involved in a violent domestic dispute, only to be attacked by the very same woman he was trying to protect for "going after her man." :what: :barf:

Stay out of it, and call the cops.
This is a suprisingly realistic thread that fortunately has not yet been hijacked by those that have the blanket policy of, "I would never use my gun except to protect myself."

The difference is rational consideration of the different scenarios. What I have gathered from the posts so far is most would just as soon not be in a situation where they had to use the CCW permit and weapon in defense of another, but that there are situations where you would.

That is the kind of rational thought I enjoy reading, and while we could hypothesize all night about the different situations we could encounter, the best thing is to be mentally prepared for any event where you may need to use your weapon.

Hopefully we all practice some situational awareness, have good instincts as to what is happening, and take appropriate action.

I have said this several times, people have to decide for themselves when it comes to situations involving guns, but the question I always ask is this, "would you be fine if another CCW permit holder that was armed and could have done something and didn't, allowed your wife, child, or friend to be injured or murdered?" If you can say you wouldn't have a problem with that, then you can take the position that you wouldn't do anything to defend another defenseless person, but if you might be a bit upset that they didn't do something to help your loved one, you might want to reconsider your position.
Same goes for me, I would help a woman, child, senior citizen or animal.

I would suggest to take a second to think over what is actaully going on so you dont do something drastically unnessecary.

But when it comes to male Vs. male fights I usually try to break it up once they hit the floor.
All the fights I have ever broken up have been over stupid highshool crap and were never anything serious.
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