National Exercise Your Rights Day!

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Jan 17, 2005
Manassas, VA
This was originally posted in "Activism" but might generate more interest here.

Jesse Jackson and his cronies have been picketing a Chicago area gun shop and calling for "1 gun a year" laws. Jackson (the civil rights crusader) has now declared that he is organizing anti-rights protests in 25 cities nationwide on August 28. We think that would be a great day for GunVoters to turn out and exercise their rights - march - petition - purchase - carry - and generally support gun rights and the industry that supports them.
Local groups should organize shoots, picnics, lobby days, etc.

Here's more from the latest Knox Report:

Buy a Gun on August 28

In honor of the anniversary of Martin Luther King Jr.’s historic “March on Washington” for civil rights, The Firearms Coalition is joining with other gun rights groups to declare August 28 “National Exercise Your Rights Day.”
Reverend Jesse Jackson is calling on citizens to exercise their First Amendment rights by participating in anti-gun/anti-violence protest marches in 25 cities nationwide on that day. The Firearms Coalition echoes that call to supporters of the Second Amendment, encouraging them to exercise their rights by purchasing a firearm or ammunition on August 28.
“We have the right to live safe and secure, no matter where we live in America,” Rev. Jackson said during a prayer vigil at Chuck’s Gun Shop in a Chicago suburb.
“That’s absolutely right” said Jay Knox, Executive Director of The Firearms Coalition, “Mr. Jackson has made a valid point and we believe the best way to ensure that safety and security is for responsible citizens to have the means to defend themselves. The idea that all violence is bad is simply incorrect. Violence is sometimes the only way to stop evil and brutality. When used in this way, violence is an agent of good.” said Mrs. Knox
“Gunowners trust our fellow citizens and have no fear of them having the means to effectively engage in righteous violence when necessary. Martin Luther King preached and practiced non-violence, but he did so with armed Deacons around him and a loaded pistol in his pocket. It seems that Dr. King understood that the right to arms and self defense are basic civil rights and were an integral part of the civil rights battle he waged.”
Mrs. Knox went on, “While Jesse Jackson and his followers are out exercising their rights to assembly and to petition the government, calling for more limits on gun rights, gunowners should be exercising their First and Second Amendment rights, buying that new gun, stocking up on ammo, and sending a message to their elected representatives that attempts to interfere with gunowners civil rights will not be tolerated.”
The Firearms Coalition is further encouraging local groups to stage active counter-protests, picnics, and marches to clearly demonstrate that a majority of Americans support all civil rights for all citizens, not the watered-down, pick-and-choose version of civil rights advocated by Jackson and his RainbowPush coalition.
The Firearms Coalition echoes that call to supporters of the Second Amendment, encouraging them to exercise their rights by purchasing a firearm or ammunition on August 28.

Will do.
Jeff, thank you for all of the work you do. I greatly appreciate it.
Do you know if they have they published any dates or locations for these protests. I wouldnt mind driving to LA or somewhere and making a bulk ammo purchase. If they're doing anything local, Ill go buy a gun 10 days before the protest so I could pick it up on the day of... :)
I'll join in any local action or march. Any one want to start the ball rolling in the PDX area?
I check back at Jesse's site occasionally, but have not seen any more specifics about cities.
The date is definitely August 28.

The Firearms Coalition
BTW, I would encourage everyone to incorporate the "Support National Exercise Your Rights Day - Buy a Gun on August 28!" slogan into your signature block here and your regular e-mail between now and then.

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