Nebraska Residents: E-mail Your Senators Now!

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Jan 12, 2005
As you all probably know, LB 454, Nebraska's concealed carry legislation, passed first round debate. It is currently waiting for Senator Brashear to place it back on the agenda as a select file item.

My gut feeling is that he is going to try to delay this as long as possible in the hopes that the current legislative session will end before it can be voted on again. This is exactly what happened to Nebraska's concealed carry bill a couple of years ago.

Please e-mail both your senator and Senator Brashear and strongly urge them to get LB 454 on the agenda ASAP. We need to flood our senators with e-mails and phone calls. There are only 25 days left in this legislative session.

Make sure you include Senator Brashear as an addressee on your e-mail.
Bumped to the top make sure everyone that needs to sees this.
lol, thanks!
my brother is down there - i'll get him on it. i have a job offer down there too, but cannot accept it until nebraska sheds some of its excessive liberalism. this would be a good first step.
This is a weird state. People tend to be conservative but vote for liberals like Hagel, Bush, Nelson, and Osborne. I don't understand the resistance to CCW at all, and the taxes are outrageous.

The only thing keeping me here is my wife's job. Otherwise I'd be history.
Anything those of us out of state can do to help ???

You know, it's hard to say whether e-mails from out of state would help or hinder. The state Republican party recently sent letters to all the senators, and it alienated a few of them. Some of them that are swing votes might take offense to what would appear to be an organized effort to get out of state support for a local issue.
Myself, my wife, and my local friendly FFl have all communicated with our Senator. He voted for the bill and for cloture of the fillibuster.

The CCWNE site seems to think that the bill's sponsor is ready to go to the last hurdle (select file debate/vote) and is working to get the speaker to schedule it before the end of the session which is April 12th.

SIOP, you're right about our screwed-up liberal politics and outrageous taxes.

We're only here to look after wife's mom in her declining years. When she's gone, we're taking the money and shaking the dust off of our feet. Thinking of TX as our final destination.
This is a weird state. People tend to be conservative but vote for liberals like Hagel, Bush, Nelson, and Osborne. I don't understand the resistance to CCW at all, and the taxes are outrageous.

yeah, the taxes thing bothers me quite a bit. job offer is in lincoln, so i did some rudimentary research, and most cost of living guesstimators says that lincoln, ne. and sioux falls, sd are more or less equal. i don't understand how, when nebraska charges you to live there (state tax), while there's none in s.d., and housing runs 25% higher in lincoln than even in sioux falls. still, i am/was considering the job, but the inability to defend myself and family kind of keeps me out. i've been to lincoln, and i didn't feel near as comfortable there as i do in even rapid city...

anyway, good luck on the ccw - i sure hope it passes.
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