New to reloading - turret press questions

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Jan 15, 2008
I am new to reloading and will be inheriting a Dillon AT500 press. Everything I read says that I should buy a separate toolhead for every caliber I want to reload. Does it really save that much time? At 20 bucks a toolhead, that could get pretty expensive if I reload 10 different calibers. The dies are expensive enough. Are the die settings prone to changing in the process of taking them out and putting them back in the turret? Any advice is appreciated.


Ok,... I too didn't want to spend 200.00 on heads, which is what it would have costed me to do all my calibers. So I cheated.... I bought packs of RCBS Lock Rings for the dies ( prt # 87507 ). They are the die lock rings with a set screw. Put them on your dies, adjust accordingly, Tighten locknut, Then Tighten the set screw, then unscrew the die from the head by using the locknut. Do this to all your dies and then they will be set in the same place when you put them back in ( poor man's quick change ).
You don't have to have seperate tool heads it just makes it easier to do your change overs no matter if you have extra tool heads or not you should always check your measurements after changing over and during the loading session. When I got my Hornady prog. I didn't get all the bushing I needed, but over time and sense I put a conversion on my Redding Big Boss II I now have them on all my dies. If you can't afford to get them for all the cals. you load and you load 10 cals. I would buy 3-4 that way I could have my favorites setup and left alone then have a empty toolhead to do change overs with as money permits buy another toolhead. I have a friend that loads with the same press as you are getting and he has a nice setup he has approx. 20 toolheads setup with 3 or 4 powder dispensers and every once in a while when he finds a good deal he will buy another powder disp. till he has all that he needs (wants).

Buy bullets, brass, powder, and primers, mauals before expanding out for more toolheads with out them all the toolheads won't do you a bit of good. Have fun with it. something else to get might be a spare parts kit for that press. That way when and not if you break something you don't have to wait for the part just pull it out and replace it. call dillon and tell them what happened and they will send you a new part to put back in you kit.

Best of luck to ya.
Buying all the equipment to load 10 calibers is going to be expensive any way you slice it... I wouldn't think another 200 would even be a drop in the bucket comparatively?

And I believe its the Hornady lock rings with the set screw; unless RCBS makes a model like that as well. I have Hornadys on all my press mounted devices.... even those that are not made by Hornady, I bought extra Hornady rings for. Hornady dies come with the rings.
Yep Hornady or forster rings. I like the Hornady cause the flat wrenching side and the hex head but the forsters you can buy in bulk and get cheaper.
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