New tool helps support businesses that support the Second Amendment

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Aug 23, 2006
Richmond, VA
So, I had an idea a while back. I wanted to be able to support local businesses that were friends of the 2A. So, I started putting together a tool to help find them.

Now I need some help. The site is ready for some testing.

There's no log in required (the add form is hidden until some steps are performed so that should keep spammers at bay). Just follow the instructions on the main page and add business screen and either add businesses that are pro or anti gun.

Once there are businesses added and rated, we will have a way to quickly find local businesses that deserve our support...and learn which businesses to avoid. I'm a big fan of voting with my wallet, and I think this tool will make it easier to do.

The site is located at

Also, I'll add a shameless plug for my other fledging site...
Spread the word about both sites if you feel inclined. Thanks!

As always, feedback is welcome / encouraged.
There should be an 'Add Business' link under the map on the main page.

Once on the add page, center the map on the area the business is in and use the search box to search for a business name. Then, click the marker for the business to get the link for the add form.

Let me know if that helps.
I've posted an update to the Friend or Foe tool, taking into consideration the feedback received from various forums.

Now, it will remember the location and radius to search (saved in a cookie on your machine, not the server) and will return to the saved area both when you revisit the site and after you add a business. It will also center the add business screen on the saved area, saving a bit of time there as well.

It now also shows a circle highlighting the searched area, so you can see where the search parameters are looking.

The layout has also been changed to allow for a larger map, and I'm going to continue to work on this area to get the most out of whatever window size is used eventually.

Let me know if you have any issues with this version, and as always, feedback is welcome.
I updated the Friend or Foe tool last night. Changes include:

Search Results list now shows the marker image on the side to make it easy to distinguish pro and anti gun businesses there.
Search Results list scrolls to show selected marker when the marker is clicked on the map.
Add Business form now shows the point value assigned to each rating level.
Fixed bug when double quote was entered on business review.

Please let me know if you have any trouble with the site, and thanks for all the ratings!
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