New2Me Model 15-2

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Contributing Member
Jan 21, 2004
Norra Texas
Picked up a ex-Dallas Police Dept. S&W Model 15-2 today. It was sitting in the case of my favorite shop, having just been given a new matte bluing by the local gunsmith but still looking a bit forlorn when compared to all of the other shiny new stock. I've been looking for a 38 Special range gun lately, so it caught my eye despite its stealth appearance... Everything checked out OK on it, and I just couldn't say no.

Prior to this revo, I've owned two other Smiths of relatively recent vintage (629-2, 686-1). Both of these were clean on SA, and quite acceptable on DA - I thought them to be fine examples of 'traditional' S&W revolver actions. Nevertheless, words cannot describe the difference in action between those units and this - the absolute evenness/silky smoothness of the DA action on this Model 15 and the completely slop-free SA simply amazes me. Despite having a mainspring that could probably hold up the back end of my truck, this Model 15 simply has the finest lockwork of any firearm I have ever shot. Needless to say, I'm quite pleased with my newest (and amazingly inexpensive, considering the quality) acquisition.

Can anyone clue me in to an approximate timeframe for manufacture, given a Serial Number of K767xxx? Also - is there a corrolary model to this one in a round-butt configuration? ;)
You are going back a ways with a 15-2. It just so happens that the single finest S&W wheelguns ever made was IMO the 14's and 15's from the transitional period to the early 60's. I've yet to shoot another postwar DA wheelgun that is even close. The Model 15 and pre-15's are the best shooting, balancing and feeling wheelguns ever made IMO.
I took 2 new shooters to range Mon. morning. I also took my 15-3 that I had for a while but had not shot yet. We were all suprised at how smooth it was to shoot. Yer gonna love thet shootin iron.......

Mike M.
S&W 15-2 with S/N K767xxx

Yes sir, your Smith & Wesson model 15-2 was made
in 1967; as the S/N range ran from:

K715997 to K779162 for that year

*Source- The Standard Catalog Of Smith & Wesson
2nd edition, by Supica & Nahas

Best Wishes,
Ala Dan, N.R.A. Life Member
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