Newsweek Article on Campus Carry:

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Aug 28, 2003
Maiden Rock, WI
Is found online here. A local copy can be found here.

Not only is the article generally free of anti-gun bias, but the talking points put forth by W. Scott Lewis, a spokesman for Students for Concealed Carry on Campus, are articulate and perfectly elaborated.

Here's a sample--

NEWSWEEK: Why do you think it would help matters if students were allowed to carry guns on college campuses?
W. Scott Lewis: We're talking about licensed individuals age 21 and above, in most states, who have gone through extensive background checks, training, testing, etc. Basically, these are the same individuals who are licensed to carry in virtually all other unsecured locations in these states. By unsecured I mean anywhere where there are not metal detectors and X-ray machines. So you're saying that individuals who are licensed to carry in office buildings, movie theaters, grocery stores, restaurants, shopping malls, churches, banks, etc.—they're currently not allowed to carry on college campuses for some reason … College campuses are unsecured locations. Anybody can walk onto a college campus carrying just about anything they please. So what happens is these state laws and these school policies that prohibit concealed carry on college campuses stack the odds in favor of dangerous criminals who have no concern for following the rules.

There are reports that the police arrived within two minutes yesterday.
A skilled shooter with a bolt-action hunting rifle or a pump-action shotgun can still fire about one shot a second. So you're talking about firing off a lot of shots in two minutes before police arrive. So basically it boils down to the simple fact that police and security officers can't be everywhere at once. It sounds to me like the police had an amazing response time … But they just simply were not in that classroom when the shooting started, and the only person who really could have mitigated this situation is somebody who was in the classroom when the shooting started.

But go read the whole article, link to it, and send it to all your friends who need to see / hear this kind of commentary.

Jim H.
4/21-4/25 is the empty holster protest across the country on campuses.

If anyone is in OH, check out HB 225, introduced last year, allowing Alaska style carry and college carry.
Campus security and local police can not be everywhere on these college campuses. Responsible citizens with (CCW) training can make a difference.

I hope that malls also look at their anti gun policies? :cool:
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