NICS check, and state BG check

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Jul 5, 2006
Hi there. I have a question about background check.
Here's what happened to me about 4 years ago... I pulled a project in NC for a computer firm, got paid, but failed to report to IRS (a honest mistake, I was young and stupid, and simply forgot). Next year I got a letter from IRS saying I owe them money, so begin a good law obeying permanent-resident (now AMERICA LOVING registered republican hard core conservative citizen!!!) I paid it back in full plus all applicable penalties. Now here's the thing... Texas (where I'm considering moving) does BG checks and looks for "delinquency in child support payments or tax payments" according to NRA ( ). Is what I did a tax payment delinquency? I was never charged, only reminded about outstanding balance, and paid it all in full, and never heard back from IRS. Is this something that could show up on my criminal BG check? Could it prevent me from getting a hand gun and CCW?
You owed money, the IRS informed you that you were overdue and they assessed you a penalty, you paid up, end of story.

While I don't live in Texas, I would be SERIOUSLY surprised if such a thing hampered you at all. Delinquency would be more of a "I never pay taxes and I ignore the letters from the IRS." You would need an outstanding balance that is well past overdue in order to be delinquent.
You won't get denied as long as you don't have any felony, misdemeanor domestic violence or misdemeanor assault convictions.
Texas CCW strict ???

So what is this stuff I keep on reading all over internet how Texas is sooo strict in it's requirements when issuing CCW permit.

Also, is there an out of state permit? Could I apply for a CCW permit in Texas even though I'm NY state resident? How about in florida? Is such thing possible? If so, how do I go about it?
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