NRA member? Show your self

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I've been a lifer since 1975. The NRA has done a lot for gun owners and the nation generally. I'm proud to be a member.
See my signature :)

My wife is also a life member and certified pistol instructor. We also support the ILA. As a matter of fact, our "Friends of the NRA Dinner" on the 23rd of this month has John Lott as the keynote speaker...can't wait :D
God willing I'll be 70 next March and I've been a NRA member since I was 18. I've been an Endowment Life member for many years.

The NRA has to be doing something good as the NY Times and Philadelphia Inquirer are always complaining that the NRA has so much influence that anti-gun legislation supported by these newspapers never gets passed.

Believe it or not, but with the recent Supreme Court decisions and shall issue laws in many states passed over the last 20 years gun rights are much stronger than they were when I was a young person. Much of this is due to the NRA.
nra member here

not a life member , but im a member....... the nra is the biggest organization that will help protect my second ammendment right to keep and bare arms !!!!!! enough said !!!
I am an endowment member and I give NRA tens of thousands in free advertising every year, and pay them 15k for a large space at the NRA show ( that is in pittsburg this year).
I'm an Associate Member. That way I send them money and they don't waste any money sending me magazines and other stuff I probably wouldn't read anyway.
Life Member. I am outraged however!: If this continues I will direct all funds and supportive efforts to the Gun Owners of America!
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