NYC is proceding with gun industry lawsuit

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Uh-0h, Judge Weistein. If it is the guy I am thinking off, he is one of the anti-gunners best friends.
Stebalo said:
They are going from the assumption that the Lawful Commerce in Arms Act is unconstitutional and that New York has an exemption around it anyway.

Several Northeast states and cities are going to try to find a way to rule the act as unconstitutional or find a way to gut it. I will not be surprised to see this taken to the Surpreme court if the district courts find it unconstitutional.

Jack Weistein is an activist judge with the district of NYC Brooklyn. He his know to use his rulings to adress social problems. But some of his rulings have been pretty fair minded. He dismissed a case against the military over the use of Agent Orange in Vietnam.
Standing Wolf said:
New York thinks it's a separate nation to which the United States should pay homage.
I can agree with that in part, at least the part of the seperate nation, which means charge them more for their utilities, import duties, do not allow any of them in the rest of the country with out a passport, and cut off all government funded porgrams, and any monies sent to them. One more thing we will pay them the same hommage we gave to Germany and Japan in WWII for they are a drain on society.:banghead:
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