Obama & the M1 Garand, M1 Carbine & Brass

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Very sad. I guess this is some of his "under the radar" crap. I doubt very much it'll pass, but sad that these things are even introduced as legislation.

I will probably post the article on my FB page, but I don't think anyone reads them anymore. Not that I post stuff like this everyday, actually I hardly post once a month, but still. This ought to tell people something when an article such as this is published by the Washington Times.
Just linked the article on my FB page. I pray none of it slips through and gets passed.
I didn't realize there were any m1 carbines left, how many m1 rifles/carbines are still in government hands? Maybe the real point of this part of the Obama budget is to melt down any old M16s when they are decommissioned.
I read there were 100,000 plus Garands found in storage in S. Korea awhile back. Not sure about carbines.
I guess I'm a bit confused by the article. Does Obama want to destroy M1's the government already has? If so, how many are there are where are they?
I've also read that South Korea wants to raise money for their military by selling these guns. But I've also read that the guns were just left there on loan and cannot be sold by them.
How long have these guns been sitting around south Korea? Or how long has there been an interest in buying them here?
I think the main thing he wants is to sell brass and ammo as scrap (to the Chinese) and require demilling -- to make sure we can't get our hands on any of it. They tried that a few years ago.

Getting to destroy historic rifles and carbines instead of routing them to the CMP would just be a bonus. :cuss:
This really ticked me off. M1s are soooo expensive, but if we had those, then maybe i could afford a nice wwii relic. But nooooo they can't be let to fall into the hands of gangsters and rapists, now can they?
This really ticked me off. M1s are soooo expensive, but if we had those, then maybe i could afford a nice wwii relic. But nooooo they can't be let to fall into the hands of gangsters and rapists, now can they?

I've read repeatedly that we lent them - which means we still own them - which means we won't let them be sold. No idea how true that is, but I don't recall reading anything specifically contrary to that either - only that the administration won't let them be sold.

Besides, no guarantee you would be able to one for cheaper than you will be able to get one from the CMP. You can get one from them for $550 shipped, BTW. Not the price of a Mosin, but not horrendously expensive either, IMO.
Mr. Obama is becoming more brazen in his disdain for the Second Amendment as his first term winds down, perhaps in an attempt to rally his dispirited liberal base headed into November. For those who believe in the right of the people to keep and bear arms, this ought to serve as an equally loud wake-up call.

This is what I've been telling people locally. If he is re-elected, he will have nothing to worry about in terms of losing popularity if he tries for some gun control legislation.

Also, did anyone notice the article was written by Emily Miller? Isn't that the same person who did the series of articles on getting a handgun in DC recently?
If I am not mistaken the number was around 800,000, but the importation from Korea was blocked.
What this link is saying is Obama wants to shut down the CMP.

What Tim the Student is referring to is the importation of M1s and M1 carbines from Korea. It is not only Obama but Bush and Clinton that have worked to block this. It has nothing to do with gun grabbing its got to do that we have taken the position there were loaned to South Korea. They could be turned over to DoD who would ultimately get them to the CMP. South Korea takes the stance they own the guns and can seel them on the commercila market.

I think I heard somewhere that South Korea was going to sell the guns to US importers but I'm not sure.
If the M1 Garands that are still in storage are any thing like the ones Century imported about 2 years ago they would be better off melted down. I got 4 of them and you could hold in one hand the amount of good parts that were on them. The receivers were all heavily pitted, one barrel was so eat up I poured bore cleaner in and it ran out of the wall of the barrel from the pitting and the stocks had been re-arsenaled so many times there was about 1/8 inch gap between action and stock.

If they have been stored correctly and maintained in a U.S. military arsenal I would love to see them imported, but if they are just Korea's back up arms supply they might be more of a headache than they are worth.
Gosh, we all know that the drug gangs prefer the M1 as their weapon of choice....

Great article by Emily Miller (She just got her own handgun in DC)

I guess this is more of Obummer's gun control work 'under the radar'.

Folks, wake up. Vote all of them out of office before it's too late.
About the only thing I would use the 5 rounder for would be hunting or sighting a gun in. I don't like the thumbhole stock. I am trying to find a monte carlo m stock for it.
Roger that! His whole agenda is back door politics. He doesn't work within the system, he works around it and through the back door:fire:
I noticed the article mention CDC funding, I haven't heard of any junk science studies by the CDC concerning gun violence.

Miller's opinion piece lost me right there. I'm obviously opposed to destroying former service rifles and those other idiotic and pointless anti-gun measures, but to exploit a gun rights argument against the single largest source of medical research funds in the US is beyond stupid.
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[...] I'm obviously opposed to destroying former service rifles and those other idiotic and pointless anti-gun measures, but [...] is beyond stupid.

Blaming the current administration for something that's been going on for over a decade is stupid, too, but let's not even begin to talk about that. That's political. Blaming everything the government ever does you don't like on a guy you don't like is the Highroad. and we should just keep doing that. Because that's not political.

Sorry, but the "right eye blind" is really starting to get to me again.
Oh, we definitely wouldn't want this thread to get political now. I think the spent brass thing is a little bit nick-picking, but I'm not sure why congress has anything to say about that part in the first place, the military can take care of spent brass themselves.
I'd like to see a link to the language on the destroying of surplus weapons and brass.
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