Open carry

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Jun 26, 2008
central texas
Arrgh, we need open carry!! I carry a naa mini revolver in a gerber belt sheath. I use it for snakes around the house. I don't go to town much but I just realized today that when I do go to town i'm carrying illegal because I don't have a concealed permit. And even if I did have the permit, it's not really concealed.

If I can own a weapon, when and where and how I carry it should be my choice.
If I can own a weapon, when and where and how I carry it should be my choice.

I agree. It's not a good idea, however, to proclaim on a public forum how you violate the law every time you go to town. ;)

Get in touch with your state representative and tell them to vote for open carry, or if there's no open carry bill, to draft and sponsor one.
If I can own a weapon, when and where and how I carry it should be my choice.
I'd think somewhere around 99.9999% of us here would agree with that.

But that doesn't help you much. Sounds like you need a permit and to talk to your legislators and local gun-rights organizations. Maybe contact TSRA and see what you can do to help the cause.
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