Our Self Proclaimed Enemy.

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Dec 24, 2002
"When I was young and faced you in Vietnam skies, I understood that you are disgusting creatures. Nazis were the enemies who were respected by Russians - they were brave and intelligent. But you are not. Fat hamburger-eating mutants, who do nothing by themselves. I think we did wrong thing by saving your asses in WW2."

"I studied American history and tactics, and had chance of facing you in combat. The more I know about modern West, the more I despise it. That is not just personal attitude. If we were living under feudalism, I would support capitalism because it is more progressive movement than feudalism. But we are living under capitalism, so I support socialism as more advanced form of organisation of matter."

The two quotes above can, at this time, be attributed to one Col. Ivan Krutov. He/She/it (?) decided to join the online forum for the www.JRNyquist.com website. For those who are unfamiliar with the works of JRNyquist check out his book "Origins of the Fourth World War".
JRNyquist proposes that the cold war never truly ended and that basically both Russia and China are now in an alliance with all the 'rogue' nations to topple the U.S. from its 'superpower' status by any means, even if it comes to warfare.
Regardless of what you personally think of JRNyquist's opinions the following link to the discussion with Col. Ivan Krutov is one of great interest.

I'm honestly curious as to just how much of the good Colonel's writings are hard truth, and how much are just egotisitcally bolstered conjecture.

All in all, the guy's definitely got something akin to a Hitler complex.....or probably more an anti-christ complex.

I also find it so interesting to note that despite being so clearly technologically advanced, no one wants to work with these people (re - Yugoslavia, Iraq).
That was a fascinating thread. What an eye-opener. You can see it happening considering the events of China and North Korea.

The manure is definitely going to hit the fan within 10-20 yrs. It will be interesting to see who comes out on top.

I can't imagine who our allies will be besides Israel.
Yes, we have much to fear from a society whose main exports are war surplus materiel, vodka, and Russian mail-order brides, and whose current cultural standards are dictated by the Russian mafia. They are another culture that has forgotten how to reproduce and will be eventually enveloped by the Muslim states on their margins.
I support socialism as more advanced form of organisation of matter
Right, because everyone knows that insects are a higher lifeform than humans... not to mention the economic triumph of the Soviet Union. :rolleyes:

If the Russians are very lucky, thier population will only decline by about a third over the next 50 years to to rampant untreated communicable disease, alcoholism, high levels of industrial pollution, high unemployment, high levels of abortion, etc..

They might overcome the legacy of the Soviet era some day, but it's going to be a long time before they can challange the US again.
Lovely communism: the act of cutting off your own daughter's head if it will aid in human progress.

Math problem?

1. His much vaunted Soviet Socialist forces, versus Afghanistan forces,.

Result = multi-year quagmire and major military emrassment.

2. US "Hamburger eating" pig-dogs from corrupt capitalist society, versus Afgani forces.

Result = general victory in 90 days with mop up continuing.

Hmmmm, maybe the Colonel just doesn't do well with word problems (or history or economics either for that matter)?

I agree with a previous post. Socialism is for insects ... and countries with a very low sense of self esteem. Then again, I think that may be a redundant statement.

Don P.
I don't care for the Soviets (or any other imperialists) but it isn't fair to compare the US campaign in Afghanistan with theirs. The Soviets were there to support an unpopular government against a rising tide of religious and ethnic discontent. Theirs was a losing proposition in the same way, as has been pointed out, as ours was in Vietnam.

The US, OTOH, was able to carry out the high-tech part of a campaign of one group of thugs against another. The ground-pounding was done by the Northern Alliance and they incurred most of the casualties.

As far as thar site is concerned, what a riot. Bunch of communist and anti-communist crackpots going round and round in a debate that's been dead for over a decade.
My understanding is that we were fighting the USSR in Viet Nam, as well as China. Uncle Ho was getting the vast majority of the Chinese output of SAMs, large fractions of the chinese pilot core, financial assistance, etc. The ARVN was getting output from a number of Russian truck and tank factories, and was getting other forms of military assistance.
I certainly hope that this attitude is some sort of internet "chicken little" chain letter. The US and the Russian Federation should come to term out of similar interests. Both of us SHOULD be concerned with a growing and more bellicose China, both of us are facing Muslim fanatacism, and we could certainly cooperate with each other on both counts.
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