PA: We should take aim at root cause of crime

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Im thinking we take all those Saleem - Hudson wantabe's and send them over to live at Mike's house. That way Mike can figure out the anwer to his own dum-a$$ question.

In my opinion it is people like Mike that are part of the problem rather than part of the solution. And the "we" he refers to must be him and the turd in his back pocket , because he is certainly straight forward about being at odds with me.

I don't have the personal need to look at others and try to figure out why they are who they are, nor the responsibility to fix them when their broken. It's their responsibility to meet reasonable behavior standards in order to be a functional member of society. I have no moral responsibility to turn a preditor into a tame member of the human race, or to be the social conscience of the planet.

I don't have the answers to what goes wrong with people like Saleem-Hudson and neither does Mike , or for that matter anybody else in my opinion.

It's also my opinion that many who think they have the solutions (and Mike thinks he has the solutions) have been screwing up the process of balancing proper punishment for bad behavior. It didn't start with this latest generation , but it looks like it is going to continue for many more to come.
When the parents don't give a crap - neither will the children . If there is no proper discipline from parents or society for bad behavior - then bad behavior will continue . That's as far toward a concept of "why" as I can muster. Am I wrong ? Maybe. Along with punishment for bad behavior, maybe there should be rewards for good behavior -- could that also be part of the problem ? Likely .

If there is a difference made by poverty , it is in the ability to reward . If that makes all the difference than I should have grown up to be one evil SOB.
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original article - irritating hypocrite

I hate how the anti-gun idiots - especially those of the intellectual/arts/media elites - like to attribute negative stereotypes to gun owners. It is such a transparently hypocritical argument - they are accusing US of being bigoted and prejudiced, of holding mistaken stereotype views - and do it by pushing bigoted, prejudiced, mistaken stereotype views of gun owners - racists, illiterate, paranoid, and, most ridiculously, this Freudian phallic syndrome they are always on about (touch of projection, I suspect). It is just another example of the Diversity/Tolerance crowd - they are tolerant of many different varieties of their OWN views, but have no tolerance for anyone who fundamentally disagrees with them.
As has been said, bad parenting seems to be responsible for plenty of society's woes. Bad parenting happens independent of financial situation, so giving out money to those who don't work doesn't seem to be helping. At any rate, a problem on a societal level won't find a fail-proof solution. There will always, always be Saleem-Hudson's in the world. As such, there will always be a need for means to stop violent criminals in their tracks. Firearms are that means, for now.

As antsi pointed out, this article once again serves as a reminder of the double-faced liberal gun grabber. On the one hand they preach tolerance* and condemn bigotry. On the other, they hurl nasty stereotypes like the phallic insult at the "dumb white rednecks".

*tolerance and acceptance will be provided upon confirmation of similar beliefs :rolleyes:
We should take aim at root cause of crime
Criminal Types? I'd say Eleanor took careful aim at a self centered parasite and solved her problem. I only hope she didn't lose too much sleep and got all the stains out of the carpeting. What a woman!

My Grandad always said that you have to train the savage out of each generation. Someone (Mama Saleem-Hudson?) didn't get that memo. Easy to make babies, hard to be a good parent/role model and instill positive values and morals.

Even then, strange things have been known to cause men to snap. "The Lord liked your sacrifice better than mine, I cannot deal with it, so I guess it's time for you to go, Brother dearest."

It's way too simplistic to say that EVIL walks this earth. It always has, it always will. It's way too simplistic to say that GOOD people, who are prepared, can Deal with it. Witness 55 year old Eleanor Cash.
I don't have the personal need to look at others and try to figure out why they are who they are, nor the resonsibility to fix them when their broken.

We all have a responsibility in cases like this. MY responsibility is, if anyone breaks into my home, or tries to rob me -- I do my best to see to it that he never victimizes anyone else.
This just goes to prove a point that many agree with me on and that many others have already heard:

If the media would report on defensive uses of a firearm, other than those in which shots were fired, a lot more "sheeple" would be more understanding of the life-saving, rather than "life-taking" purposes of firearms.

Then again, considering the majority of media outlets are left-wing, and tend to take sides with the "gun-grabbers," this will probably be no more than a shallow dream in my mind for the years to come.

If the dream should come true however, it would only help to shed the light and truth on the lies perpetuated by Democrats, the Million "Moron" March, and other anti-gun organizations/persons.

Just another f@#%ing onlooker putting in my $.02, though.

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