Part of a email a faimly member sent me (help)

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With all respect for your family, your Aunt isn't very bright if she believes this.
"Dear Aunti-in-law,

Please do not concern yourself with such matters, after all
it will be "off to the gulag" with you soon anyways..."
cheers, ab
And another reason is that I worry... what would happen to your mother, for example, if she got sick during an extended Republican regime? Since they want to end not only Social Security and Medicaid, but also Medicare and affordable prescription drugs

The absolutely huge expansion to Medicare was made with the addition of the prescription drug benefit. Which party was in control of the house? Republicans. Which party was in control of the senate? Republicans. Which party did the President belong to? Hmmm, could it be the Republican Party? Yes it could. Sure, it's amazingly expensive and is likely to bankrupt the entire country, but they're certainly not scaling back on the benefits.

Oh, now that I've breathed and some oxygen is getting to my brain, my recommendation is to reply by saying, "I had no idea that the Republicans were planning to privatize education and do away with student loans. Where did you get this information?"

That should keep her busy for a million years.
the Republicans would like to end all public education and have schools privatized.

You would certainly not have the scholarship you have now, or even a government student loan, under their plan.
Less welfare. Good.

College costs keep going up and soon will only be for the rich, if this continues.
Wrong. It’s not a rich vs. poor thing. If someone wants to go to college (which is not a right), they should pay. Just like any other service.

what would happen to your mother, for example, if she got sick during an extended Republican regime? Since they want to end not only Social Security and Medicaid, but also Medicare and affordable prescription drugs..who would be able to cover the costs of even one hospitalization for her?
No one has a right to healthcare. No one has a right to force their neighbor at gun point to pay their doctor bills. If someone wants healthcare, they need to pay for it. Just like any other service.
Sometimes I think I vote to the right because I see greater mistruths from the left describing the other side.

The right is more in favor of things like school vouchers for private schools. The left transforms this to be "they want all schools to be private so only the rich can get educated". Oddly, public school teachers have a higher percentage of their own children in private schools than the rest of the general populace.

The right is more in favor of ideas that lean toward opting out of social security. The left describes this as wanting to take away the elderly's money. Not very many things burn me up as hearing some cackly old person's voice on a political ad... "please don't let them nasty republicans take away my social security/medicare/whatever". If you want to see how much our retired people are "suffering", go tour a retirement neighborhood in Pheonix or in Florida. Not a single country in the world does a better job of taking care of so many retired people.

The right is against gun control, so the left describes this as "they want everyone to be able to buy machinguns from a convenience store and carry them everywhere. Oddly, many pro-gun control senators/congressman are know to have ccw's.

College - if costs are getting too high, why are more people in college every year and why are more getting degrees?

Yes, the right takes issues out of context with the left too, it just doesn't seem to be as much. Considering this country has been on a constant trend to the left since forever, I think it is safe to say the left is better at it.
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