Pennsylvania's Senator Pat Toomey Still At It

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Aug 21, 2010
Eastern PA
As if his defeat for Universal Background Checks, co-sponsored by Manchin of West Va, wasn't enough, Toomey still has not given up. Last night during prime time, Toomey sponsored a TV ad for background checks. Apparently, he hasn't gotten the message. I am afraid that this guy has been reading the Arlen Specter playbook - sneak in as a RINO, then cave in for everything the progressives want. The plan of action: Call Toomey at (202) 224-42534 (Washington, DC) and let him know your thoughts.
How on earth do the people of our state keep voting these people in? Pathetic...
You sure it was him?

I've seen a lot of airtime on my local channels with him, but it was Mayors Against Illegal Guns paying for it.
He is a dangerous progressive liberal who must be defeated in Congress..

Would these stupid background check laws have stopped any baby killings or other evil acts? NO!
Uh, what the heck are you talking about?

Dangerous progressive liberal? Really?

Careful with hyperbolic rhetoric like that.

Senator Toomey's misguided on that gun issue. But he voted against all the others, and beyond this act on this single issue - universal background checks - I would NOT describe him as such.

He made the unfortunate mistake of playing the part of a Republican who went along with the gun control issue, and now MAIG will use that over, and over, and over. He's really made his political career here in PA tough on himself. Arlen Specter could actually get Philadelphia Democrat votes because he made a name for himself as a Philly prosecutor before he was a Senator, and he hailed from Philly.

Senator Toomey has none of that going for him. All he has to play on is his strength as a Republican and an appeal to fiscally conversative Democrats and Independents.

Keep your eye open for that ad, hotajax. Lets us know who took credit for it.
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Wait a minute -

Is this the advert that the OP is talking about?

If so you might want to think about what MAIG is trying to achieve in "praising" Senator Toomey. If they can alienate his pro2A base and encourage anti2A support he's forced to decide who he represents in PA and who will get him elected. That's a very powerful way to compromise him.

Remember this one that MAIG put out there focused on him?
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Uh, what the heck are you talking about?

Dangerous progressive liberal? Really?

Careful with hyperbolic rhetoric like that.

Senator Toomey's misguided on that gun issue. But he voted against all the others, and beyond this act on this single issue - universal background checks - I would NOT describe him as such.

He made the unfortunate mistake of playing the part of a Republican who went along with the gun control issue, and now MAIG will use that over, and over, and over. He's really made his political career here in PA tough on himself. Arlen Specter could actually get Philadelphia Democrat votes because he made a name for himself as a Philly prosecutor before he was a Senator, and he hailed from Philly.

Senator Toomey has none of that going for him. All he has to play on is his strength as a Republican and an appeal to fiscally conversative Democrats and Independents.

Keep your eye open for that ad, hotajax. Lets us know who took credit for it.
A good point. Pennsylvania is no longer even close to its former red state glory. The only way republicans can get voted into office AND stay in office is to diverge on a select few issues. I would much rather have Toomey then virtually any of the other democratic options. Sometimes the lesser or two evils is actually a sound choice.
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