People who carry concealed are frightened..

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a person does generally have more fear than the next guy when he makes the decision to carry
That may be true if the reason you are carrying is to not be afraid of a threat, but what about those that carry because they are, say, sick and tired of evil happening in and around them and want to try and help.

One hearing of thugs in an area could respond (via carrying) in 2 ways (or more, but here are 2)
1)they don't want to be a victim (fear driven, some could conclude)
2)they don't want others to be a victim (completely not fear driven)
I got my Concealed carry permit in my late 20's and while I was not Mike Tyson I was not scared of much of anything, back then. But I was traveling A LOT and heard story after story of folks stopped and robbed and killed on the interstate, and there was even a couple of break ins and muggings at hotels that I happened to stay at. It then seemed to me that having arms to legally defend myself while on the road would be a prudent action. Now a days, I don't find my self really any more afraid than I was back then, just a little more aware that I need to be vigilant in my daily life and aware that I need to exercise my rights to ensure that they are still there in the future.

Now that I think about it though, I do feel a little frightened by one thing. The direction that this nation is headed. We are becoming a nation of weak willed individuals who are trading our national birthright for the lies of slick talking social snake oil salesmen who promise a "safer more civilized" type of servitude. Me I think I will pass, and my CCW will certainly help me to do that.
it's been said that "the fear of the Lord is the beginning of all wisdom"....

not all fear is of the cowardly pant peeing variety, or servile "don't beat me boss" variety....

there is also the "reverant respect" and appreciation for just who it is you're deeling with variety as well.
Fear has nothing to do with why I carry. I carry out of obligation to protect my family. If I where single I would not carry, but I have been given a gift from God. I am obliged to respect and protect that gift. The world is not a happy feel good place anymore where people leave the doors and windows open at night. It is a sad reality of the times we are living in. I have an obligation to protect those who are not able to that for themselves.

If we few dont fight for the Little Lizzies of the world, who will? (Mr John Connor-Handgunner Magazine)
It's quite true what he said (first quote).

Thats why I don't have health insurance... Not because I can't afford it, because i don't want to be sick or be afraid of being sick...

So far, it's not working out too great...
it's been said that "the fear of the Lord is the beginning of all wisdom"

SSN_Vet: That is entirely true, but could be hard to understand for some. Many do not consider Him for who and what He is, and deliberately disobey Him. They are not wise at all and lack knowledge and understanding of anything that is not of this world and of man. Given human nature, one must actually fear Him (acknowledge who He is and what He can and will do) before they accept Him and truth into their lives. Without truth, which only comes from God, no one can be wise.

Mathew 10:28 sheds light on this subject of who to fear, and who not to fear
Fear vs Fear

While I appreciate the differences (nuances, if you will) in the kinds of "fear" available, like the difference between "fear, psych 101" and "fear, biblical deity," and while I understand the moral value there, let's not wander off into morality per se, with chapter & verse references.

The fear being discussed is the fear of pain, death, harm, consequences, discovery, and so on. Not "fear/respect" in the scriptural sense.

Let's keep it in that venue, shall we?
:cuss:Such Idiocy

I've been assaulted with the fear argument before. I am one sarcastic $OB. My reply has always been:

My gawd! You've found me out! I am frightened to death..........of idiots like you!!!!!:neener:
So there's five people standing around in short sleeves, right?

Up walks another person wearing a jacket.

It happens every time. Somebody says "Are you cold?"

Now, it seems to me that it wouldn't take a whole lot of intelligence to know that the guy with the jacket is clearly warmer than everybody else involved.

The point I want to make is that asking "Are you cold?" was not a question to determine the other person's comfort level.

The reason why the question was asked is to point out that the guy in the jacket is different.

And we all know that different is bad.

And because you are different, (And bad) I'm better than you.

This is elementary school playground bullying, and nothing more.

And the person asking "Are you scared?" is doing the EXACT same thing.

They don't give a rat's rump about your fear level, and they aren't interested in finding out why you carry.

Getting involved in a long explaination will only reinforce their belief that you are different, and more solidly convince them that they are better than you.

When the scool yard bully asks "Are you cold?" the correct reply is "No, I'm warm because I'm wearing a jacket, and you're stupid."
Reason to carry? It's called personal responsibility. Not relying on someone else or some agency to look out for me.
This is merely an argument over semantics. The difference is whether the fear, caution, anticipation, contingency planning, preparedness, readiness, vigilance, etc., leads to surrender, submission, defense and/ or defiance.
As i have read before on this forum, someone posted a quote that went something like: "if i carry a gun, what do i have to be afraid of?"

"People who CCW are frightened" sounds like a typical made up feel good statement by people who are opposed to guns/ccw or who dont see the point.

Anyone could just as easily say "People who don't understand how dangerous this world is are ignorant".
The anti-gun, anti-CCW folks are the real cowards. They don't to be around guns or want others to have guns, yet the first thing they do when they're in trouble is call for someone with a gun to come save their sorryarse. They won't fight for their own lives (or those of their loved ones), yet they expect some underpaid civil servant to do it for them. They are the height of hypocracy and abrogation of personal responsibility, they want to drag everyone else down to their level of fecless mediocrity.

I'm not saying everyone has to have a gun, but everyone should have a personal defense plan. The courts have found time and time again that your safety is your responsibility.
Oddly enough, the SOLE reason that anti-gunners don't want us to CCW is that THEY are AFRAID of guns. So it's just the opposite of what they allege.

I have a healthy fear of lots of things; heights, sharks, house fires, car accidents, cancer, lightning, and living life in an unpredictable world. I try to behalf in intelligent, prepared ways to avoid these risks or deal with them as best I can if I encounter risk. I wear a seatbelt, don't swim in shark infested waters, have fire extinguishers, and ccw.

I have to ask, really, why WOULDN"T a person seriously consider ccw? It really only makes sense, given the affordable and easy protection from violent crime, perticularly for women who are most at risk and least able to defend themselves, generally.
I give folks who say what the OP posted that the difference in fear or caution is this. Most people lock their car doors in the city because they fear being carjacked. I lock my car doors in the city so no one can easily get in and make me have to deal with the legal and psychological ramifications of shooting a carjacker. Big difference, I've already made my choice, they're still sitting in their locked car afraid.


Residential door lock to a non-gunowner. Something to keep bad people out.

Residential door lock to a gunowner. Audible alert system to let you know when a bad person comes in. Also demonstrates unlawful intentions. A decision making aid. Not enough to make a deadly force decision, but a piece of the puzzle.
They don't to be around guns or want others to have guns, yet the first thing they do when they're in trouble is call for someone with a gun to come save their sorryarse. They won't fight for their own lives (or those of their loved ones), yet they expect some underpaid civil servant to do it for them. They are the height of hypocracy and abrogation of personal responsibility

XLM nailed it!

Sounds like the core soul of a liberal to me....get the government to come fix my problems, quick!
I carry because of my fear.

I am scared of of being killed with little chance of defense.

A gun is a fabulous equalizer.

Any other reason to carry (besides hunting) is macho B.S.
I am only frightened by the prospect of being helpless to adequately defend myself or my family under unusual circumstances.

When I run into a rabid anti-carry person, I like to ask them a question or two.

1) Do you believe a person has a right to defend themselves with lethal force (if needed) if someone breaks into their home and attacks them?
They nearly always answer yes; and many admit to having a gun for this purpose....usually their dad's or grandpa's shotgun.

2) Do you think a person is more likely to BE ATTACKED in their home, or when they are out on the street somewhere?
"Hmmm... away from home I guess", they say.

3) Is your life or the lives of your family members less valuable on the street than at home?
"Of course not"

4) You just said it was. Think about it.
I'm man enough to admit it; that's why I have brakes on my car. They went out years ago, and it would have been a lot cheaper and more convenient not to repair them and just do without, knowing that when it's your time, it's your time.
But damn it, I'm a slave to fear, so I have brakes.
Rational fear

I have a fire extinguisher in my house as well as an alarm and have never needed them or know any one who has. I hardly give them a thought. When I rock climb I wear a helmet even though I've never suffered rock or ice fall direct hits. I back up anchors that should more than handle any fall load I'd put on them, and double check knots reflexively. I retire ropes that I seldom fall on. I hardly give my gear any conscious thought. Fear can be healthy when it leads to prudent practices.

Same goes for health insurance, vaccinations, map and compass, first aid kit, jumper cables, spare tire, lights, matches, etc. I don't worry about the things I have planned for and have covered. Consideration isn't worry isn't fear.

I think the people who make this 'fear' critique are projecting their own irrational fear of those who operate on the world rather than passively waiting for the world to operate on them. The bed wetters love to throw around the diagnosis 'paranoid' with no understanding of what that really means.

To be paranoid is to act (or simply be delusional) based on inappropriate anxiety. Most of the people I know who carry have less anxiety than the unprepared, and really, given the risk (severity of consequence compounding probability of occurrence) of crime it's hardly inappropriate to consider self defense measures, and more importantly treat firearms with daily habitual vigilance.
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