Point Shooting Course with Roger Phillips (Sweatnbullets)

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brownie, go back to the WT archives. You will see that I read "Shooting to Live" before I trained with you. That information is from the 1930's and written in the 1940's.

You do not own peripheral vision no matter what your ego is leading you to believe.
Like I reminded Matt just a few minutes ago, for someone so well versed in Fairbairns writings, I find it very coincidental that both of you would bring this up after 3 years of knowing the skills I was trained in, and not ever mentioning it until you have been called to task for the blatant atempt to train others in skills you were shown in Tucson.

It's an apparent attempt to now muddy something, but what I don't know. Not once from either of you in three years, till now------I find that very very interesting, I'm sure both of you have excellent explanations for the lack of mentioning it in the three years since.

Oh, lets not forget, I have IM's and emails from 18 months ago from you Roger about your thoughts on Matt Temkin after the training in Tucson. Shall we get into that now that you two seem to want to play buddy buddy on the internet.

We know different don't we boys.

Like I reminded Matt just a few minutes ago, for someone so well versed in Fairbairns writings, I find it very coincidental that both of you would bring this up after 3 years of knowing the skills I was trained in,

Because we thought that we were friends. We did not realize that you do not have friends....you go through them.
I told you along time ago that you do not own peripheral vision and I told you where you could find the proof of that. You decided to continue with the masquerade that you invented it.
I never claimed to own peripheral vision. Lets keep the facts straight here for the members if you would please.

The narrative of QK used specific references to the gun [ which you now want to call "visual indexes" [ the same thing ]. Thats what is copyrighted, not peripheral vision but how it is used within the context of the skill being discussed.

According to the Library of Congress in Washington DC, who researched the material for 4 months to determine it's originality, the concepts and description of how it is performed was "new" to the public in 2004, hence it became a legally protected "original" work when the registered copyright was issued by that federal entity who has sole responsibility in determining "originality" and who owns intellectual property.

"Handgun or Pistol Quick Kill [ QK ] Shooting Technique" ©, any and all derivitives of the original work are the sole intellectual property of myself.

Descriptors, used both narratvely and/or verbally from the original work are protected works of the registered copyright.

Any physical use thereof for profit or any derivitive of the original work in any form is a violation of the registered copyright I hold on this material per law and you are now in violation of those laws as you do not have my express permission to use such intellectual property at this time which you are well aware.

We understand there is a conflict now over who has rights to what.

Fight it out in PMs, snail mail, lawyers or on Threat Focused Forums. Just not here. That's not what S&T is for.

Like the bouncer says, "Take it outside!".
Ownership of intellectual property is a topic for another forum. Since it would be difficult to continue the technical discussions we'll close this one.
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