Police Officer Shoves Finger in Gun to Stop It Being Fired at His Colleagues

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I was taught to grab a cocked revolver (i guess it would work for a pistol w/exposed hammer) with my pinky between the hammer and primer when disarming an attacker.
I have also heard of putting your finger between the trigger and the frame so the trigger can't be pulled. Obviously only works in uncocked revolvers and wouldn't at all in a 1911 type...

Most semi-automatics, 1911 inclusive, will not fire if the pistol is out of battery. You can accomplish this by grasping the wrist of the assailant with one hand while pressing forward on the muzzle with the other. Hopefully none of us will ever be in such a situation...
It seems to me that once you have your attackers gun "Out of Battery" finger inbetween the hammer ect. The next most logical step would be a couple of stiff kicks below the belt :what: That should make his eyes do that. Course that might be considered police brutality lucky me I am not a cop. :evil:

I don't mean that in any disrespect. I have a lot of respect for officers and soldiers who risk life and limb for me. Your job is harder than mine all I have to is stop the threat and servive.
I would be happy to take all of these outdated personal defense weapons off of your hands so that you may upgrade hi-tech wunder nines. :D

BTW the grabbing the cylinder thing is easily defeated by twisting the gun side to side quickly so that it rotates in the cylinder stopper's hand. I would also assume that also applies to the finger stopping the hammer, but have never tried it.
The way the thread title was written, for a second I thought it was talking about someone sticking their finger in the muzzle.
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