Preping for a dunk

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It may be funny to read. But I'd bet it's happened more than a few times. As was mentioned above, I know for a fact guns have been left in restrooms. I actually saw a trooper come back after his gun in a SC or NC rest area years ago while going on vacation.

I'd put this one in completely plausible. Especially iwb guys. Obviously one would be unlucky for it to actually go IN the toilet but im certain I've read on here about guns dropped in the bathroom. Far more likely than the zombie/red dawn/alien invasion some people talk about at gun stores at least.
Maritime cups!

Oddly enough, nearly all my underwater shooting or shooting after being submerged was with Glocks with standard cups. When I replace springs, usually around an estimated 7.5k rounds, I use maritime cups though. They are cheap and I figure why not. I just keep a drawer full of the maritime ones. But I have never seen any evidence that they hurt nor help.

I've also went through quite a few trade in and LE Glocks and none have had a maritime cup.
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