Private gun sale in Georgia

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Nov 28, 2008
I have a legal question I wanted to see if anyone had an opinion on. I am a Georgia resident, over age 21, and am legal to own handguns.

Another GA resident has a gun I want to buy from him in a private sale. He is the owner of the gun. He lives a long way away. However, he says he can have his future son in law (who lives much closer to me) take the gun to me. The future son in law is also a GA resident and over age 21. I would give the son in law the money, and he would give me the gun.

I know in GA we can do a legal face to face private sale legally. Does having a third party involved make a difference?
"Face to face" sale doesn't actually mean anything, in legal terms. If it is lawful for you to conduct a sale between non-licensees (you aren't dealers) then it really doesn't matter how that takes place. Under federal law, at least (haven't checked GA), he could even ship the gun to you and do the sale never having met you. All that is required is that he does not "know or have reason to know" that you're a prohibited person.
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