Proud Uncle

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Jan 2, 2008
I went back to the family ranch this past weekend to visit my family and celebrate my mother's birthday. My older(14 yr old) nephew "greeted" me by blurting out "Did you bring your AR-15?" as soon as I was within earshot, and a bit later my younger nephew told me he was writing an opinion paper for school. I asked him what his topic was, and he proudly told me it was "Why "Assault Weapons" shouldn't be banned"! :cool: I thought his topic, and his school allowing it, were both positive signs. I love my nephews, and am glad to see some of today's youth "get it"! :)
If the parents are teachers at home first (making time for it however busy) then the child will learn that the views taught at most public schools towards firearms are so wrong. They also need to be taught when and where to voice their opinions at an early age to keep out of trouble. Relying on public education to raise a child will end badly with respect to 2A and other issues IMHO. Good for these particular children.:)
That's great. If he does a good job on his paper, it may go a ways toward swaying some of his classmates who only hear the other side of the argument.

Sometimes I wonder what some of my kids teachers think. One son is rewarded for school accomplishments with blowing up a produce of his choice (he tends to go w/ a cantaloupe) with tannerite. 'Yea Mrs. ..., dad was so proud I got to blow up a cantaloupe with a suppressed sniper rifle!' or something like that. :D
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