Reloading in a storage unit: genius or bad idea?

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Is that bar picture posted above actually part of your house? I'd be more concerned of a little'un getting bonked on the head by one of those bottles in a minor temblor than to hoover down a stray primer. It's easy to not "lose" a primer if you're half careful.. it's hard to control gravity and the bonking though, unless you earthquake-proof your whole setup.
Anyway, as I said, odd and good luck to you.
Read the fine print in the contract and I'll bet you that would not be allowed.
Loading area

If the wife is ok with it, I would go for the basement. My guess is, you would have less distractions there then at home with small kids. Distractions lead to disasters. The big question is what keeps the wife happy, you know, happy wife, happy life. And maybe your parents would want to spend some time with the grandkids while you loaded, and your wife could have a break from the kids and you. Anyways, good luck.
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