Remove Ruger MKIII rear sight

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Sep 20, 2008
Could someone help me? I have been trying to remove the rear site on my ruger mkiii hunter for 2 days. I have removed set screw and tapped left side but it will not budge. I have just put some oil in there to see if that will help. ANY ideas appreciated. I must remove this site to install my tac sol rail for my red dot sight. Thanks in advance. Cheryl
Well, it's gonna take more then a tap I betcha.

I would clamp the receiver in a padded vice. (But don't squeeze it too tight and squish it)
The biggest problem with them is trying to hold onto the round receiver without messing it up. You might wrap some electrical tape around the receiver to get a better grip on it.

Then using a brass punch, smack it some hard raps left to right with a hefty hammer.

Ruger doesn't fool around when they put them in, so it will take some force to get them moving. Once it moves, it should come the rest of the way out fairly easy with the brass punch.

+1 Definitely use a hammer with some weight and start with light taps until you can begin to see movement. Don't hit it hard, just tap it. Make sure your vise and whatever the vise is mounted on is not moving. You want all of your tapping energy to go into the sight. It will come out with patience.
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