Reno gun shops?

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Mar 8, 2007
I'm planning on attending the Big Reno gun show in August and while there I'd like to cruise a few shops. I Googled this, but mostly pawn shops come up. Any recommendations? TIA!
I believe they just had a Cabela's open there. The gun library is worth a browse through if you've never been to one.

Gun Trader

Silver State Firearms

Sportsmans Warehouse

Bizarre Guns

Mark Fore Strike

These are the major, retail stores for Reno. If you make it over to Carson City, there is:

The Armory--in Moundhouse just before the Virginia City turnoff..

Nevada Gun Exchange---on the 395 between Winnie and the Hwy. 50E turnoff.
Bizarre Guns supposedly closed a while ago, I haven't been able to find it. There's also Maccabee Arms Ltd. which opened relatively recently. I still haven't been there yet.
Bizarre guns is kind of hard to find, kind of sits behind the U-Haul on Oddie. Mark Fore&Strike is high dollar. Sportsman's probably has the best prices. Silver state is a good place, knowledgeable and good customer service.
A guy at Mark Fore&Strike is the one who told me Bizarre guns was closed when I told him I couldn't find it. He claimed it had been closed for years. I guess he just didn't want the competition.
Mark Fore & Strike is the only Reno gun shop I've been too. They have a pretty decent selection. Don't know about their prices; wasn't buying when I was there.
"A guy at Mark Fore&Strike is the one who told me Bizarre guns was closed when I told him I couldn't find it. He claimed it had been closed for years. I guess he just didn't want the competition."

I was in there early spring and it was both open and busy. Easy to find, it's below the U Haul trailer sitting ontop of the 60' post on Oddie. There is a music store next door thats visible from the road, think it's called Bizarre music.
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