Replace Stainless Steel Pins

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Mar 10, 2019
Has anyone replaced their wet tumbling stainless steel pins because they were dull? If so, what's the best way to tell?
I watched a youtube video where the guy after thousands and thousands of rounds cleaned was noticing that the media wasn't as aggressive as it used to be. He tried Southern Shine Media and really liked them. On his recommendation I didn't even open my pins and had a 10lb bag of these chips ordered.

I really love how well they clean and get EVERYWHERE in the brass, but I really hate how they bounce and get everywhere on my counter and floor. As I don't have experience with pins, I'm not sure if that's unique or not to these being teeny chips. They are super cheap, and you can either go through that website or on the website he has the email to go direct with the guys.

My plan was to sell my 5lb bag of new pins from my FART. I haven't looked back.
I have tumbled tens of thousands of cases with my Frankford wet tumbler. I just tumbled well over 3,000 pieces of 9mm & 223 this weekend. My tumbler is over two years old and still does a great job of getting the cases looking like new.
I clean a lot of range brass, i just picked up another 500 pounds of it to clean & sell.
I did buy a new five pound bag of the stainless steel chips just to have on hand. They were under $20.
My tumbler will probably die before the chips need to be replaced.
I haven't noticed any pin degradation when using my small Frankford wet tumbler. I've had it about 1 year and cleaned a few thousand rounds so far.
Probably cleaned 40000 cases or more with mine, still seem to work fine other than the fact they are trying to escape CA for a free State.
I just track them down and grab them with a magnet, and tell them they have to stay here as long as I do....

They were never sharp when new. (using the ones that came with my Lyman cyclone tumbler)
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I wet tumble the dirty range brass with just HOT WATER, cap of ArmorAll Wash & Wax, 1/2 a tea spoon of Lemi-Shine Booster and a small squirt of Dawn Dish Soap, no pins and tyey look really good.

Some of this brass is really nasty looking, but after 1/2 an hour to 45 minutes it is good to go.i just got 6,000 pieces of 9mm ready to sell. I seperate a bfive gallon bucket of range brass and wet tumble a load before a leave for work in the morning.
Tomorrow morning I will be tumbling another batch of 9mm then start on the 223/5.56.
I should start the 30 caliber stuff here shortly..
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