Resource, Clearinghouse

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Mar 10, 2005
Bradford, VT
The request for advice on taking a .44 on an Alaskan cruise got me thinking-is there a listing of gun friendly businesses, etc?
Or do we just continue coming here to ask the collective wisdom of THR?
IMO when you disregard a business as unfit simply because they aren't supporting one aspect of what you perceive to be socially important, you are being foolhardy.
Every large corporate entity has their fingers in some pie you don't like. Every. Single. One. Walmart is gun friendly. That doesn't mean I want to do any business there, or support what walmart does to a community; Walmart is a drain on the economy of this country, it forces people to survive on govt. subsides because it kills living wage jobs and replaces them with jobs that pays such low wages that the majority of Walmart employees must seek govt. assistance. Walmart does this knowingly in order to be more profitable, and because people that aren't making squat have to buy more cheap garbage from....Walmart. But hey, they let you concealed Walmart?!?.

Every small business owner has an opinion you don't agree with. Every. Single. One. America is built on differing opinions and the abilities of men to disagree peacefully. I myself get tired of trying to play devils advocate and decide which opinion deserves losing my business and which is simply another mans opinion.
Simply supporting guns doesn't make us bosum buddies or mean that we are one with each other, or that you are a good person. Neo Nazi's tend to LOVE guns. Conversely, someone that doesn't support guns doesn't automatically earn my hatred and scorn. I'm pretty sure mother theresa never owned a piece.

Think for yourself... guns are NOT the only factor, and the end-all-be-all of my life. There are plenty of "gun friendly" businesses that are no good for our country or community, and they play you for a fool by promoting "gun friendliness" because they know thats all some people need to hear.
Besides, by only using "pro" businesses, you are opening yourself up to be taken advantage of by "pro" shops that know you won't go to a competitor because they are "anti". So you shoot yourself in the foot in the long run, IMO.

Reward the business that does the best business. Not the business that you think is your "buddy" because they support ONE aspect of your life.
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There are lists of unfriendly business on almost every state gun rights group. They're usually places posted against carry.

Gun friendly places, not so much. Two local pizza places, Big Ed's and Pizza Kitchen, are owned by shooters who are 2A supporters. There's just no place on the state forums to tout their support to other members.
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