Rifle Owners and the Renewal of the Assault Weapon Ban

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Thufer, I'm sure you understand that making an agressive or violent action toward's the slimy anti's, although tempting, would only doom those with guns. I'm sure Feinstein, HGC Inc. and their ilk would jump at the opportunity to sacrifice thousands to the machineguns if it would give them a better toehold twords a complete gun ban. We need to deny the enemy every advantage, which includes responsable gun ownership.

We'll discuss violence when/if they start a large scale gun confiscation. Lets delay that as long as possible.
No I have not uttered a single word to my elected officials and neither have you. All of our messages are being taken by secretaries, who then delete them and send back a prefabricated response.

You can brake it down all you want but its much more complicated than what we are arguing here. Whats happening is the Government is taking away our rights and when you are ready to admit it, maybe we can stop it.

Why is it even up for debate whether anyone can own any gun? Owning a firearm of my choice is an unalienable right of being an American. I'm cant understand how these people can even propose such things without public uproar. But the public isnt awake. Our rights are already infringed. Its your call. I've already made my decision.
I do agree that it is ridiculous that many gun laws are even up for debate, I also believe in at least giving the system a shot before committing to shooting someone over it....

True my letter may not have made it to any elected officials desk, but I bet if his secretary gets 300 copies of it from different voters, at least one will... And at very least I am very sure there is a little count going on about different subjects (such as this one) that I added one more to the anti gun control count. I'm sure the gun control crowd has many more though because of people like you who don't even bother attempting to make their voices heard. You want to know why the elected officials don't bother to hear you? because not enough people who think like us bother to talk/vote!!! YOU ARE PART OF THE PROBLEM. In my opinion you are worse than the sheep who don't even know/care that their rights are being taken away. They don't know any better. You know what is going on, know it is wrong, and yet still fail to even attempt to make your voice heard!!!

You can brake it down all you want but its much more complicated than what we are arguing here. Whats happening is the Government is taking away our rights and when you are ready to admit it, maybe we can stop it.
Admit it? who is denying it?!?!? of course they are trying to take away our rights... why? because the people that speak the loudest to politicians (and vote the most) are the ones that will be heard. So my point is, educate the people that don't know and tell them why it is wrong and why they should care, and get yourself and anyone else you can involved in protecting our rights!!

I ask again, what exactly would YOU propose we do to "stop it"?

by Homer Simpson:
Trying is the first step towards failure.
Maybe that is why you won't eve TRY making your voice heard.... :)
Thufer, a polite, one-page, one-subject snail-mail letter will be read. Yeah, maybeso "only" by a staffer. However, what often counts is the relative number of letters, from the standpoint of "It's the squeaky wheel which gets the most grease."

The biggest problem is that the anti-gun gang works harder at getting mail to Congressfolks than the pro-gun folks do.

Another helpful action is joining up with any local pro-gun group which actively works to get out the vote. The afore-mentioned Rep. Sanford Bishop from Georgia discovered that anti-gun would cost him his job; the Committee for Safe Government (CSG) made it clear to him that a pro-gun stance would not hurt him at the polls. He isn't the same Democrat as when he first was elected.

I've pointed out to a few folks up in the Beltway country that any anti-gun legislation would be seen as betrayal. The result would then be that the people who voted as a bloc to get a Republican Congress and Presidency might just stay home on election day. If there is one thing on God's green earth that those folks want, it's re-election.

After reading this thread I faxed a short letter to my districts
House of Representatives member, Tom Cole.
I could not figure out how to post the original but here is
what he had to say.

Thank you for contacting me regarging your Second Amendent

As a NRA member, I am committed to protecting our Second
Amendment rights to keep and bear arms. The problem with
gun control is shown time and again in cities that have strict
gun control laws. For example, Washington, D.C. has the most
restrictive gun control laws in the country, yet is know foremost
for its violent criminal activity. The city has gun control, but little
crime control.

The key to curbing the unlawful use of firearms is stricter
enforcement of existing laws. There are about 20,000 firearms
laws on the books. We cannot erode our constitutional rights in
the name of crime prevention, and I will oppose any legislation
that seeks to do so. In particular, I will vote against reauthorizing
the Clinton era 1994 assault weapons ban.

I appreciate your thoughts and hope that you feel free to contact
my office whenever other issues of importance arise.

Tom Cole
Member of Congress

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