Seat belt tag yeilds bank robber

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Dec 22, 2002
Nemo sine vitio est
May 29, 2003

Woman Suspected In Half A Dozen Bank Heists

A New York woman who allegedly robbed six banks in 48 hours was caught after receiving a ticket for not wearing her seat belt.

Court papers say Pamela Kaichen, 43, admitted telling at least one teller she lost a loved one in the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks, then demanded money.

Kaichen allegedly robbed a bank May 21 of about $6,190 in Shrub Oak, about 40 miles north of New York City, then held up another bank for about $3,100 in Scarsdale, a wealthy suburb 20 miles farther south.

The next day, Kaichen allegedly pulled four more bank jobs in Connecticut, stealing an undisclosed amount of cash.

The complaint says Kaichen told a teller at the Bank of New York branch in Shrub Oak that she had "lost a loved one on Sept. 11. Please put everything from your top drawer in this bag. I have a gun in my right hand."

Kaichen was identified after a Danbury, Conn., police officer wrote her a ticket last Thursday - the day of the Connecticut robberies - for not wearing a seat belt, said Danbury Police Chief Bob Paquette.

Officer Paul Carroccio recognized the woman later that night while watching a videotape of a bank robbery on the news, Paquette said.

Kaichen was arrested while picking up her mail Tuesday in Chappaqua, N.Y.

Kaichen appeared yesterday in federal court on two bank robbery charges. No plea was entered and she was held without bail.

"In this case, all the dots were there, nice and big in front of us," Paquette said.
I'm sure Soviet document checkpoints caught all sorts of "criminals" over there too.
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