seeking input on Kubotan page

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Small flashlights are probably the best way to go. Dual purpose, and not a "weapon".

I liked it.
It's very informative, and it's got a couple of books I'll have to run down. Of course, I'm a big kubotan fan, they're quite useful :evil:

The kubotan is a great addition to a person's defensive tool box. I've found they really enhance basic defensive skills. You don't have to do anything really fancy but you do need to understand the basics and to properly use one, or to defend youself in any mannor, you really should get some professional training. And they are perishable skills so you have to practice some.

I'm not talking years and year here like it might take to master a martial art, but rather a couple of key concepts and half a dozen techniques. Any person who is serious about thier personal safety should get some intellegent, professional training that transitions to both edged and blunt weapons. Kubotans fit in quite nicely and are very effective when the techniques are properly applied.
Two Gun, may I quote you?

Jshirley, I will amend the note beside the Baton Lite.

Thank you both. Thanks, Jojo, too.
That's an excellent web page. The content is top notch, the links were all alive and informative. You might want to change the URL to something more memorable. I realize that the url is often dictated by economic concerns.
I agree with the small flashlight idea. I don't know where the website got it's info on British law - not being able to strike with the kubotan etc. If you carry one of these here in the U.K., you can get busted for possession of an offensive weapon, regardless of how or if you use it. If I remember rightly, someone actually did get busted for using one as a key-fob - never actually used it as a weapon, just got caught with it. :eek:
I'm sure that the streets were a lot safer after that vile, key-fob weilding thug was arrested. :banghead:
I have posted about this on other threads, but I cannot carry a conventional kubotan due to my frequent business in government buildings with security screenings. I use a Pelican MityLite 3N LED flashlight instead. It works pretty darn well, is very tough and lightweight, and I have never had a problem with going through courthouse or airport security with it.
Mr. Guffey,

You might perhaps reconsider the opening pic showing the k being used as a flail, as this is perhaps the least effective way to use a kubotan (as you later note).


Thanks for this note. I'll give it some thought and probably modify the text or move the image.
Well, I appreciate you consideration. Not many people pay attention to my lunitic ravings.

Are you in the business of selling them, training, both or did you just do the website?
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