Shot Show 2006 - First Glimpse

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May 28, 2004
Due to a little bit of luck, and a really nice friend, I got to go to Shot Show 2006 today. First, let me say that NO, I don't have any pictures from the show. I didn't get a press pass, and so I didn't bother to bring a camera. Also, I could only go today, so I practically had to fly through, giving it a once over.


It's a durn big show. All the manufacturers were there, as well as many of the importers. You could get touchy feely with the guns, because all the fire pins were either cut or removed.

There were plenty of freebies, but I passed up most of them. I think the best freebie of the show was a brass puzzle from Kel-Tec. I took the picture when I got home.


I finally got a chance to put my hands on a CZ-527 Carbine in 7.62, and I was very impressed by it's size, light weight, and trigger pull with and without the set trigger used. It was on my short list of guns, and moved one shy from the top.

The top of my list is a almost accurate reproduction of the John Browning 1887 12 guage lever action shotgun. The action has been modified, so that you can fast load two shells without loading them into the tube magazine. Essentially, you drop the lever and shove the two shells down into the action from the top, shut the lever, fire, cycle the lever and fire again. The normal loading cycle would be to push the shell carrier all the way down, giving you access to the 5 round magazine. Chamber is 2.75". With a little practice, I bet it is possible to load the magazine, then fast load the action, giving you a total of 7 shots. If this shotgun is compatible with Aguila mini-shotshells, then even more. The barrel is listed at 20" making the overall length less than 40". The sound of the action reminded me of racking a pump shotgun, and felt just as solid.


Alumagrips has come out with grips made of Corian. Yes, Corian countertop material. Fit and finish are everything you expect from Alumagrips, meaning top notch. I got a speckled pair of stocks with standard checkering. These are the standard width, meaning you can use your standard grips screws and bushings, though the strews did stand out a little bit more than normal. The screw sockets are reinforced with brass. They feel cool, but not cold like the gun steel, and they stick to your hand better than the original alumagrips, wood grips of any type I've encountered, rubber (but it doesn't stick to your clothing at all), or plastic grips so. The rep said they were extremely durable. THESE GRIPS ARE IMPRESSIVE! So impressive that they may become the choice of professionals within a year or two.


According to Springfield Armory, the 5" tactical XD45 will hit distributors in two weeks. Many have already posted on the XD45, and I just want to add that this is the first double stack 45 that I have been able to confidently grip. Infact, many 9mm and 40sw double stacks don't fit my slightly small than medium hands.

Sadly, the Sig 210 no longer comes to our country, and the Trailside is no more. The HK Mark 23 is no longer coming to this country also.

I saw and got to hold the new SIG 556, and it is wonderfully built, with all the proper tactical stuff on it. Honestly though, the 5.56mm platforms no longer seem to excite me.

Apparently they now make Tactical Handcuffs. I asked reps at several booth what was it that made their handcuffs tactical, but no one gave me a satisfactory answer.

Only three notable gun-bunnies.

Sorry about the lack of detail and pictures, but I think you'll get to see and read a lot in the next few days.
My boss is at the Shot Show.....

and is going to the Kel Tec booth. I hope he brings me back one of those puzzles......they look cool.......chris3
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