Skool bureaucrats shocked at HS shooting range

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We shot air rifles in our JROTC classroom when I was in HS, 97-00. It had several windows facing the courtyard (the wall to our side, not the backstop) and we still shot 4 days a week. Incident and injury free for 4 years, say that about any other team sport.
Shocked city councilors are probing how school officials have allowed a Southie classroom to be used as a firing range by Junior ROTC students.

Education and public safety leaders were stunned to hear that a basement classroom in Monument High School on G Street is used by the military group to teach teenagers how to fire air rifles at targets.

“I’m shocked and surprised to hear that this is even happening. I don’t think it is appropriate at all,” said Councilor Chuck Turner, chairman of the council education committee.

Should be enough to make those dues-paying NEA members soil themselves.
Gentlemen, we need to come to the aid of these poor fools.
Send Depends!

It seems that the school, and school system are very supportive of the shooting team.

It is the city councilmen and other civic leaders who are shocked and need convincing.
Good luck! Their heads are buried, hopefully in the sand. However, I suspect that their ears are always warm.
.38 special, I'm not a Texan. I'm a 3rd generation native Californian. Theres a lot of misinformation spread about TX. I'll say this: Texas is a much better state to BUY guns in. But California is a much better state to SHOOT guns in. BLM is an unheard of myth in non-western states. They all have to pay someone or some entity to shoot. GUnshows are a joke. Save the loss of EBRs about 8 years ago, CA gunshows are by far the greatest in the union. Sucks California likes overlegislating their lives. But contrary to rantings of Texans who've never lived elsewhere, California is worth fighting for! It has way more guns than any other state including TX, it's just that it also has the super block of SF and LA dictating all.

Kids shooting AR15s for a school marksmanship team. Not a felony in California.
where is the paper from the USG that performed a statistical analysis on kids that shoot that ended up showing that 'gun kids" tended to be much better citizens?
I had no idea this thread was still active.

Has anyone received a response? Not me. :)


'We should establish shooting galleries in all the large public and military schools, should maintain national target ranges in different parts of the country, and should in every way encourage the formation of rifle clubs throughout all parts of the land. The little Republic of Switzerland offers us an excellent example in all matters connected with building up an efficient citizen soldiery."

Theodore Roosevelt, Sixth Annual Message to Congress, on Dec. 6, 1906
It's a felony to have those ARs though.......
Not necessarily. Had they been in California, it's possible they would have been properly registered.

California AWs are OK for 18 and older:
SECTION 12280-12282

12280. (a) (1) Any person who, within this state, manufactures or
causes to be manufactured, distributes, transports, or imports into
the state, keeps for sale, or offers or exposes for sale, or who
gives or lends any assault weapon or any .50 BMG rifle, except as
provided by this chapter, is guilty of a felony, and upon conviction
shall be punished by imprisonment in the state prison for four, six,
or eight years.


(k) Subdivision (a) shall not apply to either of the following:
(1) A person who lawfully possesses and has registered an assault
weapon or .50 BMG rifle pursuant to this chapter who lends that
assault weapon or .50 BMG rifle to another if all the following
(A) The person to whom the assault weapon or .50 BMG rifle is lent
is 18 years of age or over
and is not in a class of persons
prohibited from possessing firearms by virtue of Section 12021 or
12021.1 of this code or Section 8100 or 8103 of the Welfare and
Institutions Code.
(B) The person to whom the assault weapon or .50 BMG rifle is lent
remains in the presence of the registered possessor of the assault
weapon or .50 BMG rifle.
(C) The assault weapon or .50 BMG rifle is possessed at any of the
following locations:
(i) While on a target range that holds a regulatory or business
license for the purpose of practicing shooting at that target range.

12285 (d) No person who is under the age of 18 years, no person who is
prohibited from possessing a firearm by Section 12021 or 12021.1, and
no person described in Section 8100 or 8103 of the Welfare and
Institutions Code may register or possess an assault weapon or .50
BMG rifle.
welcome to Massachusetts. Live free or here.

hqmhqm, that elicited a true, honest-to-goodness laugh-out-loud from me. I love it! I'll have to use it on relatives I have there! :neener:

(It's also good for NYers...)
Welcome to America Maurice.
Either respect our customs, or move to England or anywhere. If you don't like us, we don't want to see you either.

Gun violence my a** This is about RESPONSIBLE GUN USE. Please don't warp notions about firearms ownership.

People like that MAKES ME SICK.

By God if I were walking into any place and hear some "responsible community activist" trying to "teach kids" about how evil guns are, I will personally walk up to him/her and tell them that this is political indoctrination, and if they don't stop, I will resort to writing libelous and scandalous articles about them in the newspaper. After all, if they lie, SO CAN I. And if you don't want to read in the next edition of Anytown Post, USA about how you were brought up by a crackwhore and taught to satisfy customers in the living room at a very young age, then please don't make up lies slandering gun ownership. Otherwise your own medicine will be injected back into your mouth.

I am serious.
The skool bureaucrats have determined that it is in their interest that their students shall never know the dignity of competence at arms.
I see no problem with teaching marksmanship in a safe manner. I just don't believe that the ROTC has the right to use school property without renting it.
It's JROTC. It's a school class and/or extracuricular event. THere's no "renting" involved. JROTC is not ROTC, for the last time. It is not for training officers or soldiers. It's akin to the boyscouts--fostering good citizenship. But in JROTC's case it also a gradeable class in HS. Does FFA need to rent space? Does Key Club? Or more appropriate to the comparson: does the yearbook staff? It is a gradeable curricular class and extracurricular activity.
Schools apply to get JROTC programs, and
The Army provides each unit uniforms, instructional and other materials, and shares the cost of the military instructors.

It's not like USA is imposing these things on a school or district.
“I can’t believe a school could condone the use of any weapons. What kind of message are they giving to the kids?”

Where is "the use of weapons" being condoned??

Looks like the school is TEACHING. Challenging a student to excell at something. That is a really neat concept.
Ah, I wasn't aware that it was considered a graded activity. If it was a "community" activity, I'd be rather upset if they didn't have to pay for use of the school. For instance, a religious group I'm aware has to pay a good deal of money for use of my high school, and it could be considered a group fostering "good citizenship".
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