Springfield 1911 gi extractor Question

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Nov 3, 2011
NE Ohio
Looking to trade for a like new great shape Springfield Armory 1911 GI in OD green, only thing is from the pictures I see the Extractor protrudes from the back of the slide maybe 1/16 to 1/8 inch Any reason to be concerned???
I will not be able to fire the weapon before the trade!

Not unusual at all, and is easily "fixed" if it really bothers you. Of more concern to me, and it's still a cosmetic issue, would be over/underhang of the slide and the frame. A few mils is OK, but I've seen some really gross SA examples lately at the local gunshop. This can also be fixed, but is a much more expensive operation.
You get what you pay for! The high dollar 1911s are fitted better, and look better, but may not run better. I'd not be so worried on the protrusion, but on if its loose(clocking) Still an easy fix, but requires a fitted firing pin stop. My GI was the same way, and functioned perfectly fine.:)
It's the matter of a pistol that is assembled down an assembly line, not individually hand built. On a hand built 1911, the extractor will be fitted, then ground flush with the back of the slide, along with the slide the frame fit. Then dissassembled and sent to have the finish applied, and re assembled.

You can have the extractor ground down now, but at minimum it'll need to have the green re applied. It will not affect the function.
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