Sulpher smell

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Dec 24, 2002
I store some ammunition and some empty brass in my study. Most of the ammo is in cans. Tonight as I was going to bed there is a strong smell of sulpher coming from the room. I moved some stuff to the garage, but the smell is still there.

Anyone have any ideas?

It's likely NOT the ammunition, as sulphur's no longer a component of modern gunpowder (using the generic term for both black and smokeless).

Did you open the cans and sniff them?

What else do you have in the room?

Is there a bathroom in the room? Nearby? Any other kind of vent?
Skunk smell is an organo-sulphur compound which is also the reason the onion family has its pungent aroma and flavor.
I just picked up some more ammocans this last weekend and they really smell bad when you open them up (I guess the gasket is still good, I cant smell it if they're closed), even with no ammo inside. I cant really describe it as I try not to get a good wiff of it, but I'd say it smells sorta like burnt Wolf 7.62x39 (or mabye I'm just associating the two smells, since the ammocan my Wolf is stored in also smells bad when I open it)

Any ideas on what I could use to get rid of the smell?

Mete: Leave poor Skunkabilly out of this, his lack of bathing increases his tacticility by at least 50%. :neener:

Leave poor Skunkabilly out of this, his lack of bathing increases his tacticility by at least 50%.
. . . And his body mass by about 15%. :neener:

Seriously, I find the smell of burnt powder more stimulating than the smell of hot cinnamon rolls. :uhoh: But I'm just weird that way.
Since the humidity and temperature were down, I opened up the window last night. Odor seems to be pretty much gone. No obvious odors from the stuff I moved or discarded.

I did open cans and boxes and none smelled. There is a bathroom nearby, but my study was the only one with an odor. No skunk odor or papermills nearby. However, the next door neighbors have been acting strange - eerie lights in the middle of the night and small animals seem to be disappearing. Perhaps preachermen is on to something. I work with a number of priests, may have to get one out here.

Kharn - if the odor in your cans is a bacteria there are several products that will get rid of it. Enter 'cat urine' in a search engine and you should get several options. I learned more about that topic than I ever wanted to after I got the last tenant out of my rental house.

Thanks for the replies.
Commonly associated with the ever popular " meth heads"

Time to clear out the neighborhood!

But then again, I have never noticed the odor in my cans, even after a loooong time.
Have some old (1954) 30-06 ammo in an ammo metal can, but instead of smelling like SULFUR, it smells like ETHER.

By the way, this old 30-06 shoots fine.

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