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synchronicity anyone?

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Mar 5, 2003
Cleveland OH
So on while walking towards my company through the parking lot, I noticed someone's license plate holder that indicated they competed in a biathlon, I said, "wow, a possible shooter, this could be good." It was easy to tell who's car it was because his license plate was his name :) So I emailed him hoping to find another gunnie at my company. Wrong, "running and biking"...wrong biathlon.

So I was lamenting the fact that I didn't know any gunnies at my company. I can't advertise, as it is a pretty liberal company (liberal in the bad sense), and didn't want to come out as "the crazy gun nut". So I was brainstorming ways to discretly find other gunnies. Instead, perhaps by synchronicity, one coworker comes up to me and tells me he's going shooting at the local range after work. Bizarre huh? 6 months at the same company and nary a peep. He doesn't own guns anymore but his friend is taking him.

Right on.

Just wanted to share my story, back to your regularly scheduled programming.


Maybe picking at nits, here, but I believe the correct term for running/biking/ running/swimming, biking/swimming, etc. is Du athlon. Bi athlon being specifically skiing/shooting. :confused:

Methinks your coworker is confused........but it may just be me! ;)
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