Tactical Forum Name Alternatives?

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Yippee! We have our very own resident Skunk back with us! How's the tactical kimchee over there, Skunk? Found your sniper yet? Is your tactical search working? Is that your final tactical answer?
Originally posted by Preacherman
Yippee! We have our very own resident Skunk back with us! How's the tactical kimchee over there, Skunk? Found your sniper yet? Is your tactical search working? Is that your final tactical answer?

I drank more in the first night I was here than I ever have before. I don't think I ever got buzzed before in my life till tonight.

Soju :barf:

I went to Seoul Metro and was looking for an English speaker at the front desk. The only one who did was a VERY lovely and very friendly lady cop. Shoulda asked her out to dinner! DOH!!! :eek:

The very lovely lady cop gave me the directions to SWAT, though my buddy called last week and they said no tours, no visitors, etc. The metro PD even took my driver's license when I went to walk into the PD to take a looksee at the museum.

SWAT tomorrow morning. Pray for me :D
Now you've done it, Skunk. Until you posted this thread, the word "tactical" had yet to be uttered on this fine board.

I hope you're proud of yourself! :mad:

I was wondering when the words "mall ninja" would be uttered on this site. I'm just glad that I wasn't the one to be the first to type out those words..:D
That's the last time you'll hear it from me, promise.
Tactical Kimchee???

Way back yonder when I was with the ROK Tiger Division, they actually had tactical kimchee in their C Rats. Individual servings about the size of a tuna fish can. A touch of home:)
OK I'm signing off now...heading to Japan...probably won't have as much internet connection, so I'll catch you guys in a week.

Maybe I'll meet a cute Japanese cop, but that Ofc K*** was a hottie at Seoul metro!!!
Hey Skunk! I was in Seoul in '77 and lost my wallet. If you see the lady cop again you might ask her if anyone found it yet.
ACK!! Kimchee. Now, that stuff qualifies as honest-to-goodness TACTICAL. :eek:

In small amounts, it's actually pretty tasty with rice. That is, if you can get by the smell. ;)
Kimchee is the Korean equivalent of Tabasco sauce... Heaven knows what it's made of, but it smells like a decaying gargoyle and tastes about as foul as you can imagine if you're unwise enough to use it in large quantities! However, the Koreans seem to live on the stuff... :confused: Down here in Louisiana, even the local rednecks, who seem to use copious quantities of Tabasco on anything (even their breakfast Wheaties!), can't tolerate it. :D
Kimchee is pickled cabbage. And my hubby loves the stuff! :D

Boy, does it ever stink! The fumes alone should be classified as a chemical weapon of mass destruction. Talk about TACTICAL!

cabbage, Garlic (lots of it), vinegar, some sort of fish sauce, peppers..

Yep, it smells but it tastes great once you get use to it.. (I know, that's a hard statement to believe)

But if you can't handle it, then you shouldn't try "Stinky Tofu" here in Taiwan; the NAME tells you it smells..
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